Using Therapeutic Role-Playing Gaming to Help in the Treatment of Sexual Abuse Victims

by Victoria Jesswein published 2022/11/12 09:27:55 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:27:55-07:00
A Christian gamers podcast group calling themselves "Saving the Game" recently interviewed a representative of The Bodhana Group regarding A PROPOSAL for using role-playing games for therapeutic treatment of sexually abused children and adolescents, as well as the abusers.

This group of self-proclaimed Christian role-playing gamers have an ongoing podcast called "Saving the Game". In the latest release, they recently interviewed a representative of The Bodhana Group regarding THEIR PROPOSAL for using role-playing games for therapeutic treatment of sexually abused children and adolescents, as well as the abusers.

The Bodhana Group:

And their annual event "Save Against Fear":

Here is the podcast interviewing Jack Berkenstock of the Bodhana group:

RPG Research is mentioned in passing at the 59:30 mark. Sarah Lynn Bowman's book is mentioned around the 1:00:00 mark as well.


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