RPG Research & Hawke Robinson at WorldCon

by Hawke Robinson published 2015/08/05 12:35:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:26:41-07:00
Two different groups requested my participation in WorldCon 73 (Sasquan) so as per request here is my short bio and schedule from August 19th to 23rd. I hope to see many of you there.

Two different groups requested my participation in WorldCon 73 (Sasquan) so as per request here is my short bio and schedule from August 19th to 23rd. I hope to see many of you there.

Also listed as W.A. Hawkes-Robinson.

Please donate to the Wheelchair Friendly Role-Playing Gaming Trailer today: http://www.gofundme.com/rpgtrailer


Gaming Background

Role-playing gamer since 1979. Game Master since 1984. Founder of the Eä Tolkien Society, Tolkien Moot, Other Minds Magazine, Middle-earth Talk Show, & Eä RPG. Founder of RPG Research & RPG Therapeutics LLC, studies on the therapeutic & educational effects of all forms of role-playing games (tabletop, live-action & computer-based).

Favorite Game Systems/Games/Settings

Middle-earth (any system). Prefer detailed systems that do not interfere with role-playing.

Preferred Gaming Style

Prefer ROLE-playing over ROLL-playing but do not like overly abstracted RPG systems.

WorldCon Schedule


Additional information:

Registered Recreational Therapist for Washington State Department of Health -

Nearing completion of Interdisciplinary Bachelors in Recreation Therapy, Music Therapy, Neuroscience, & Research Psychology at Eastern Washington University.


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