Hawke's Gaming Areas, Materials, & Collections, for Tabletop, Live-action, and Computer-based RPG

by Hawke Robinson published 2015/08/02 12:40:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:26:42-07:00
Here are photos of my primary gaming room at my house. I also have secondary, tertiary, and quarternary game rooms in the house, plus several at the office. Feel free to post links to your game room photos in the comments.

Hawke as DM for The Spartan Show's Adventurer's Guild





Here is a video of an earlier version of this room, plus some of my RPG, Therapeutic Recreation, & J.R.R. Tolkien related collections (a bit outdated but gets the general idea across, August, 2014):

Hawke's Home Game Room #1 (All this and more will move into the RPG Trailer)

game room 1.jpeg

Here are some closer shots of sections.


Photo of a Portion of RPG Materials

game room close 1.jpeg

Hawke's Home Game Room #2

game room 2.jpeg

Hawke's Home Game Room #3

game room 3.jpeg

Hawke's Home Game Room #4

game room 4.jpeg

Hawke's Home Game Room #5

game room 5.jpeg

Hawke's Home Game Room #6

game room 6.jpeg

Computer-based Gaming at Hawke's House 

computer gaming.jpeg

Hawke's Home LARP Area #1 "The Inn" (Deck)

larp 1.jpeg

Hawke's Home LARP Area #2 (Combat Training, back yard)

larp 2.jpeg

Near Hawke's Home: LARP Area #3 (The Plains)

larp 3.jpeg

Near Hawke's Home: LARP Area #4 (The Woods)

larp 4.jpeg

RPG Research Office Game Room #1

office 1.jpeg

RPG Research Office Game Room #2

office 2.jpg

RPG Research Office Game Room #3

office 3.jpeg

And finally, the Proposed Portable Gaming Room - The RPG Trailer (mockup for now)

 This is just a mockup of what I hope will soon be. I will be able to move all the contents from my #1 game room, into this trailer, and provide gaming to people broadly, rather than just limited to my home or office.


Here are links to my gaming materials collections (lengthy):




D&D Collection Videos



Part 1 - D&D Basic, Expert, Masters, Immortals

D&D Part 2 - Advanced D&D 1st Edition

D&D Part 3 - AD&D 2nd Edition

D&D Part 4 - D&D 3.x

 D&D Part 4 - D&D 4th & 5th Editions

(Video coming soon)




Babylon 5 RPGs Collection


(photos/video coming soon)


Much more on the way...

... coming soon ...







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