Unboxing This Week: Stranger Things D&D Set, Talisman Legendary Tales, and Dungeon!
Arrived today, "Stranger Things" Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set. So added to this week's unboxing and play through schedule: Stranger Things Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set, Talisman Legendary Tales, and Dungeon! Fantasy Board Game.
So added to this week's unboxing and play through schedule: Stranger Things Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set, Talisman Legendary Tales, and Dungeon! Fantasy Board Game.
Arrived today, "Stranger Things" Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set.
Should I open it, or wait to share the unboxing on our next broadcast? :)
Should we do a special unboxing episode today?
Status update 20190403 13:55 PDT: Will do a short teaser live broadcast at 3:00 pm PDT on https://twitch.tv/rpgresearch Showing the box and going over the information about it.
Will do the same again (live) on https://youtube.com/rpgresearch at 3:30 pm PDT.
Here are the recordings from these unboxing preview broadcasts April 3rd:
Youtube: https://youtu.be/FELDyqCyviA
Then tomorrow, April 4th, Thursday 6:00 pm to 9 pm PDT will do full unboxing, and possibly playthrough the first little tidbit on the fly (spoilers!) live on https://youtube.com/rpgresearch
Will also unbox and play through Talisman Legendary Tales cooperative game
and Dungeon! The Fantasy Board Game.
If you miss the live broadcast Thursday, Patreon supporters can access the recorded videos at least 4+ weeks before the general public as a thank you to Patreon supporters for their generous support. https://patreon.com/rpgresearch
Then Friday April 5th we are at Drop In and RPG from 4-7 pm, then Audience Interactive House of Danger Choose Your Own Adventure Board Game 8-11 pm, the Audience gets to vote on each choice!.
Then NeverWinter Nights Enhanced Edition playthrough and discussion 11 pm (PDT) https://twitch.tv/rpgresearch

The "real" Demogorgon. My 1984 Grenadier lead miniature: :-)

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