Drop in and RPG Spokane Valley January 4 2019

by Hawke Robinson published 2018/12/29 11:09:32 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:45:28-07:00
The public is welcomed to join Drop In and Role-Playing Game in Spokane Valley this January 4th, 2018, 4-7 pm Pacific Time on the corner of Pines and Sprague. Look for the wheelchair accessible RPG Bus (and possibly also the RPG trailer depending on weather).

The public is welcomed to join Drop In and Role-Playing Game in Spokane Valley this January 4th, 2018, 4-7 pm Pacific Time on the corner of Pines and Sprague. Look for the wheelchair accessible RPG Bus (and possibly also the RPG trailer depending on weather).

This is open to all ages, from 5 years old to 105+ years old!

Seating is first come first serve, so we recommend arriving a little before 4:00 pm if you can. We will be there around 3:00/3:30 setting up.

We are at different locations each Friday from 4-7 pm. See our weekly  locations schedule here: www.dropinandrpg.com

Feel free to contact us for more information:

  • Email: rpgresearcher at gmail dot com
  • Phone/text: (509) 608-7630
  • Twitter: @rpgresearch


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