Antioch University - Dungeons, Dragons, and Psychology: Applied Theory of Tabletop Role Playing Games in Mental Health

by Hawke Robinson published 2019/01/20 23:48:00 GMT-7, last modified 2023-02-05T09:51:54-07:00
Educational event will include a 2-hour introduction presentation that will cover the role-playing game (RPG) terminology/definitions


Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Services Summary List: Presentation

Provider Type: Educational


This educational event will include a 2-hour introduction presentation that will cover the role-playing game (RPG) terminology/definitions and historical context in addition to relevant psychology theoretical and systems perspectives to provide attendees with a basis of understanding of RPGs and applications in the field of psychology.

Following the 2-hour introduction presentation, participants will be able to observe a 2-hour live demonstration of psychology interventions integrated into an actual RPG – Dungeons & Dragons – using pre-identified volunteers and facilitated by Dr. Boccamazzo. This live demonstration will connect the previously presented theoretical content into applications for mental health professionals.

Following the demonstration, demonstration volunteers will participate in a panel-debriefing facilitated by Dr. Boccamazzo, incorporating perspectives from the audience/participants to explore questions and share experiences/perceptions from the demonstration.

Dr. Boccamazzo will then present relevant resources for participants to utilize in their work and/or increase their competence related to integrating interventions with RPGs. Finally, the participants will engage in a Q&A session.


1. Participants will become familiar with role-playing game terminology including basic types/formats.
2. Participants will be able to describe role-playing game interventions and their potential applications with clients in psychological practice.
3. Participants will be able to identify which clients may benefit from role-playing game interventions and how to broach the subject with clients.
4. Participants will become familiar with common therapeutic goals associated with role-playing game interventions.
5. Participants will learn about ethical considerations for integration of role-playing games in psychological interventions including confidentiality in multi-participant group settings.
6. Participants will learn about cultural considerations for role-playing games related to psychological interventions.


Dr. Raffael Boccamazzo, PsyD, L.M.H.C.A. (Dr. B) is a Seattle-area mental health practitioner and clinical director of Take This Project, a national mental health nonprofit which seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness at large. They are most known for their pioneering Away From Keyboard (AFK) Rooms at video game conventions worldwide. Dr. B is also the lead facilitator for the Dungeons & Dragons social skills program with the Seattle-based Aspiring Youth social skills program. In his spare time, Dr. B fancies himself a home chef and plays more Dungeons & Dragons and video games than he probably wants to admit.

January 27
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Event Categories:
Counseling, Therapy & Wellness, Psychology
Antioch University Seattle
2400 3rd Ave #200
Seattle, WA 98121 United States
(888) 268-4477




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