Media Kit

by RPG Research Admin published 7 years ago, last modified 3 years ago

This page provides resources for those needing a media kit about RPG Research.

RPG Research main website:

Research Repository page:

Disclaimers page:

RPG Research Media Kit url:


Since 1983, RPG Research's founder has been studying the effects of all role-playing game formats: tabletop (TRPG), live-action (LARP), computer-based (CRPG), and solo adventure books & modiules (SABM).

Since 1985, RPG Research's founder has utilized role-playing games in academic settings to help participants more effectively achieve educational goals.

Since 2004 RPG research has been an international repository of all available information on these effects, freely available to the public.

Since 2004 RPG Research has been developing and providing community programs, based on this research, using role-playing games and music to help various populations achieve their recreational, educational, professional, and therapeutic goals. These programs are documented, and the data from these programs is fed back into the body of research shared on the website.

RPG Research began from the perspectives of Therapeutic Recreation, Neuroscience, Music Therapy, & Research Psychology disciplines, and has continued to expand the domains of knowledge from a variety of multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to research,  assess, design, implement, document, and reasses content and programs.

RPG Research is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization.

Link for more information:

Mission Statement

1) To clearly establish, through rigorous scientific testing, the effects on participants of music and all role-playing game formats: tabletop, live-action, computer-based, and solo adventure books & modules. In addition to determining the potential relevance of correlated factors, wherever possible, significant emphasis is placed on contributing to the body of causal research information.

2) Based on any available established research, from a variety of disciplines, using relevant evidence-based and theory-based approaches, RPG Research will design, develop, and implement intervention programs using music and/or various role-playing game formats as intervention modalities for participants to achieve their recreational, educational, professional, and/or therapeutic goals.

3) Based on funding, staffing, and resource availability, RPG Research will provide these services to individuals, population groups, and communities where research indicates they may benefit the most from our programs.

4) Whenever legally and ethically possible, all such research information will be shared with the public to help further advance the global body of knowledge and overall improve the experience of the human condition.ent

Mission statement URL:

Vision Statement

By using scientific research to determine the true risks and benefits from participation in music and role-playing game activities, we hope to:

  • Eliminate the myths and stigma associated with these activities.
  • Help participants achieve a remarkably improved quality of life.
  • Raise the experience of the human condition globally through the sharing of knowledge on a free platform accessible to all, while encouraging others to share their findings on this platform.
  • Provide free training to those willing to take the time as volunteers to develop the skills necessary to achieve these goals.
  • To provide services that achieve all of the above.

Vision Statement URL:


“… I was a counselor at the MDA 2017 Summer Camp … All I can say is that you guys are AWESOME. My shy camper completely opened up for the first time … had the best time. … was his favorite activity from the camp! … Thank you for everything that you guys do. I’m forever grateful to you! “ –Emily More details…Muscular Dystrophy Association Counselor Testimonial about RPG Research / RPG Trailer / RPG Therapeutics.

“This is a truly wonderful way of bringing tabletop RPGs to those who could benefit from them the most. Excellent work, and I hope to be able to support you more in the future.” –Perrin Rynning

“What an awesome way to serve these populations!” –Barry Drake

“This is so cool! I played tabletop RPGs as a teen and young adult and later helped some teens run a D&D game when I was a teen librarian. I now teach special education to and have been wanting to incorporate gaming into my classroom. This year I got the opportunity to participate in a life skills focused RPG based in second life with my high school transitions students and they love it! The students love the extra independence they gain while playing as compared to their relative lack of independence in real life and it really builds their confidence and social skills. Would love the opportunity to play a tabletop RPG with some of my kids and am so excited to hear a program like this exists.” –Jackson Robinson

More testimonials can be found at:



RPG Research is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit charitable organization. Your tax-deductible donations enable RPG Research to implement more research and community programs. There are multiple methods for donating:

Donation Jar at RPG Research events.

Patreon monthly support with special benefits to donors:

Donate online through PayPal:  (coming soon)

Postal mail donations to:

RPG Research

1312 North Monroe, Suite #114

Spokane, WA




History & Background

Summary Visual History of RPG Research:

Detailed Text History & Amalgamation of Papers, Events, & Programs of RPG Research:


Founder began research on the effects of role-playing games in 1983.

Founder began using role-playing games in academic settings in 1985.

RPG Research began research on therapeutic uses of RPGs in 2004.

RPG Research began sharing research information through shared website in 2004.

RPG Research and affiliated programs have provided programs to thousands of participants since 2004.

RPG Research launched dedicated domain and website as international repository of research information in 2006.

Until 2017, RPG Research had one core volunteer, RPG Research Founder Hawke Robinson, though involved with hundreds of other volunteers on a project-by-project basis.

Since January 2017, RPG Research's core volunteer team has grown rapidly. As of January 2018 there are 9 trained core volunteer staff members, and hundreds of supporting volunteers. The more core staff that come on board and are trained, the more RPG Research can accomplish. The learning curve for training is typically about 6-18 months depending on prior experience and level of participation. This entails attending 1-2 four-hour meetings per week, participating in at least one community program per month, and participating in one major event every 3-4 months.

While always an informal non-profit, in September 2017 RPG Research incorporated as a Washington State non-profit organization.

January 2018 RPG Research received confirmation from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that RPG Research has been accepted as a tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization, retroactive to September 26th, 2017.

Frequently Asked Questions

List of notable clients

Just a few of the more notable organizations that RPG Research founder and/or organization have worked with on related programs include:

  • Boy Scouts of America
  • Campfire USA
  • Eastern Washington University
  • Eastern Washington Center for Deaf & Hard of Hearing
  • Fan Nexus
  • MerpCon
  • Muscular Dystrophy Association
  • Navos Mental Health
  • Nexus for Deaf & Hard of Hearing
  • Northeast Youth Center, Hillyard District, Spokane, Washington
  • Pacific Northwest American Therapeutic Recreation Association
  • Saint Luke's Rehabilitation, Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury departments
  • Sasquan Gaming
  • Seattle Children's Hospital
  • Spark Central
  • SpoCon
  • Tolkien Moot
  • Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association
  • Washington State University
  • WorldCon 73
  • ZoeCon

Contact Information

Contact Us web form URL:

Primary Email:

Alternate Email:

Address: 1312 North Monroe Street, Suite #114, Spokane, WA, 99201

Phone/Text: (509) 481-5437

Donations Patreon Page:

Donations Pay Pal Page: (coming soon)

Social Media Sites:

Logos for use

2 Logos to choose from, depend ong the audience. For gamer audience, typically prefer the "bold RPG Research logo". For professional adience, many like the bold logo, but others prefer the "tamer RPG Research logo". We offer either horizontal (default) format, or vertcal square format.


Original Photos permission granted for use related to RPG Research

These photos are owned by Hawke Robinson, but permission is granted for RPG Research to use, and for media to use in relation to RPG Research.

Copyright notice: Photo copyright W.A. Hawkes-Robinson, permission granted for use by the non-profit orgaization RPG Research and uses related to supporting or mentioning RPG Research.

Original Artwork permission granted for use realted to RPG Research

Artwork commissioned by Hawke Robinson from other artists, and Hawke grants permission for RPG Research to use, and for media to use in relation to RPG Research.

Copyright notice: Artwork copyright W.A. Hawkes-Robinson as commissioned by various artists, permission granted for use by the non-profit orgaization RPG Research and uses related to supporting or mentioning RPG Research.

Related to RPG Research, but Separate Entities:

Here are other organizations related to RPG Research, but are completely separate entities for business, legal, and tax reasons.

The RPG Fund

Organization in the early planning stages that will in the near future be a non-profit foundation to provide resources to organizations and individuals furthering the goals of the RPG Fund, including the research and use of role-playing games to achieve a better quality of life for participants. This will provide funds to all entities that apply, relevant to the charter, it is to be completely separate from RPG Research. RPG Research would have to apply like any other entity for funds.


RPG Therapeutics LLC

RPG Therapeutics LLC website:

RPG Therapeutics is a for-profit company providing professional services including:

  • Therapeutic Recreation & music
  • Role-playing game therapy
  • Professional training workshops
  • Online professional training
  • Professional speaking engagements

10% of all RPG Therapeutics LL profits go to support RPG Research and the RPG Fund.

Related RPG Therapeutics websites include:

RPG Therapeutics Logo:

Hawke Robinson (W.A. Hawkes-Robinson for scientific publications name)

Hawke Robinson (full name: William Arthur Hawkes-Robinson), is the Founder, President, & CEO of a number of organizations including but not limited to:


The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer Prototype & RPG Bus

Under neither RPG Research nor RPG Therapeutics, under Hawke Robinson's ownership, but freely provided to RPG Research:

The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer Prototype -

The Wheelchair Accessible RPG Bus -

Photos of Hawke:

Synthetic Zen Music

This is the alias of Hawke Robinson's music.

All proceeds from Synthetic Zen msuic sales go to support the build of the ideal Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer Fund first, and then when that is funded, to RPG Research.

Website URL:

Support Synthetic Zen on Patreon:

Indie Air Radio Albums: Albums:

iTunes Albums:



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