A Visual History of RPG Research, RPG Therapeutics, the RPG Trailer, & The RPG Bus
This page contains just the visual history of RPG Research. If you would like to view a more comprehensive list with text and links, see the Amalgamation page for a whole lot more!
About The RPG Research Project
As an international community of volunteer researchers, we have been studying the effects of role-playing games since 1985, and since 2004 providing an open online research repository investigating the effects of all role-playing game formats: tabletop, live-action (LARP), computer-based, and solo adventures.
Some of us, as volunteers from a Recreation Therapy background, help people achieve their educational, entertainment, and/or therapeutic goals through the intentional use of role-playing games (RPG) and music. We work with toddlers, youth, and adults of all ages, to help improve the quality of their lives.
RPG Brain Trust: Trustee of the Year Award (2017)
Drum Circle Facilitation Workshop at IndieAirRadio.com, November
FanNexus, October
RPG Trailer setup at FanNex.us convention at the downtown Spokane, Convention Center.
RPG Research Game Master John Welker with youth and adults: No Thank You Evil RPG
RPG Research Game Master Danielle Whitworth. Adventures in Middle-Earth (AiMe), Eves of Mirkwood Adventure.
Hawke Robinson with Walter Koenig
The RPG Bus (purchased), September
A bus with wheelchair lift. It is a "fixer-upper", and likely won't be ready for regular use until Summer 2018, but we're working on it.
The RPG Research Core Team, September
Screenshot from recording an upcoming video.
Core Team Bios and Photos: http://www2.rpgresearch.com/about/volunteer-team
SpoCon, August
RPG Trailer at SpoCon 2017
Panel: The Psychology of Gamers and Hackers
RPG Research Monthly Program at Spark Central Community Center: August, September, October, monthly on third Friday
RPG Trailer, Muscular Dystrophy Summer Camp July 2017, Idaho.
MDA Testimonial: http://www2.rpgresearch.com/blog/testimonial-mda-2017
"... I was a counselor at the MDA 2017 Summer Camp ... All I can say is that you guys are AWESOME. My shy camper completely opened up for the first time ... had the best time. ... was his favorite activity from the camp! ... Thank you for everything that you guys do. I'm forever grateful to you! " --Emily
D&D 5e in the RPG trailer with Muscular Dystrophy youth, MDA Camp (age 6-17)
Drum Circle for Summoning Gathering to Begin RPG / LARP. MDA Camp (ages 6-17 + counselors and helpers)
Customizing Shields for LARP (Live-action Role-Play) MDA Camp (ages 6-17)
LARP - Battle Royale (Boffer combat) (MDA camp, ages 6-17)
LARP - Epic Quest (Cure (soak) the Ent)
Hawke as the Ent. MDA Camp, ages 6-17.
Hawke is 6'7", and with the buckets as stilts was around 9' tall, which the kids loved!
RPG Trailer, Tolkien Moot XIII, July 2017. (Ages 12-65+)
In front of The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer prototype, in front of Hawke's house.
Gaming inside the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer Prototype at TolkienMoot.
Gaming in Game Room #1 (Hawke's House) at Tolkien Moot
Gaming in Game room #3 (Hawke's House) at Tolkien Moot.
RPG Resarch Core Volunteer Staff in front of RPG Trailer
Spokane, Washington, North Five Mile Area
WSTRA, Bellingham / RPG Trailer Tour #3
RPG Trailer at Stephen's Pass, Washington
Coulee Dam, Washington
The Spartan Show - Legends Through Shadow - Hawke as Dwarf Bard

PNWTRA, Portland, Oregon / RPG Trailer Tour #2
RPG Research Visits, Observes, and provides feedback on Wheelhouse Workshop's program
Seattle, Washington.
Hawke at Eastern Washington University, Therapeutic Recreation Class, Presenting on RPG Research & The RPG Trailer
Hawke as Bar Patron in web series Journey Quest 3.
Watch movie here: http://www.zombieorpheus.com/recent%20blog/watch-journeyquest-3/
RPG Trailer Tour #1
4 videos about using Role-Playing Games to achieve therapeutic & educational goals for various populations, with a longer geographic reach using the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer.
- Video #1 is from the 7:34 am segment, and accompanying written article, they re-posted on Northwest Cable News Network (3:10): http://www.nwcn.com/news/local/spokane-county/local-man-opens-unique-mobile-therapy-unit-to-help-physically-disabled/333306503
- Video #2 from KREM 2 News live broadcast, the opening 5:34 am segment (2:52): http://www.krem.com/news/local/spokane-county/local-man-opens-up-mobile-therapy-unit/333209401
- Video #3 is this KREM 2 News Facebook video: https://www.facebook.com/KREM2/videos/10153881882091301/,
- Video #4 from their noon remix, teaser at 0:15 and full segment at 00:24: http://interactive.tegna-media.com/video/embed/embed.html?id=2387851&type=video&title=Headlines%20on%20Demand%2012%20p.m.&site=293&playerid=FEATURED_VIDEOS-MOD-FEATURED_VIDEO&dfpid=32805352&dfpposition=Video_prestream_external%C2%A7ion=News
Video #1, from Segment ("Hit") #3, 7:45 am, October 10, 2016
Archived Video & Article from KREM 2 News, original URL: http://www.krem.com/news/local/spokane-county/local-man-opens-unique-mobile-therapy-unit-to-help-physically-disabled/333302903
Also they posted it on Northwest Cable News here: http://www.nwcn.com/news/local/spokane-county/local-man-opens-unique-mobile-therapy-unit-to-help-physically-disabled/333306503
Local man opens unique mobile therapy unit to help people with disabilities.
Local man opens up unique mobile therapy unit
SPOKANE, Wash. – One local man said Monday he is on a mission to help people with physical disabilities by using one unique method – RPGs, or role playing games.
Hawke Robinson first thought of the idea two years ago. He is offering mobile therapy called “RPG Research” which brings a therapy trailer right to the patient’s doorstep.
As a recreation therapist for the Washington State Department of Health, Robinson has been studying ways to help people recovering from traumatic brain injuries, ADD and ADHD, and Cerebral Palsy, through different methods.
What Robinson found was a bit unconventional. He purchased a wheelchair-friendly trailer he was able to customize and turn into a mobile therapy unit. Inside, it has up to 50 different musical instruments for patients to use during the healing process, along with his primary focus – tabletop role playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons.
Robinson said he has taken extensive neuroscience research and used it to understand how beneficial RPGs are in the therapy process for these patients.
Robinson paid for everything out of his own pocket and said he does not charge patients. He does have a GoFundMe account set up for people wanting to help him continue to serve and expand the service to more people across the region.
To learn more about his project, visit the RPG Research Project website.
Mobile therapy unit
Video #2 from Segment ("Hit") #1 broadcast live at 5:34 am, October 10th, 2016.
Original URL: http://www.krem.com/news/local/spokane-county/local-man-opens-up-mobile-therapy-unit/333209401
Video #3, from KREM 2 News Live Facebook Broadcast around 9:00 am, October 10th, 2016
I couldn't get embed code to work for the FB video, so here is a youtube version of the same video
Original Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/KREM2/videos/10153881882091301/
Video #4, Noon News Remix from Segment 3 with photos added.
Teaser at 0:15 to 00:24, main segment at 03:06 to 05:56
Additional Notes, Links, etc.
Clarifications, Corrections, & Disclaimers
Some clarifications and corrections that didn't make it into the clips or need clarification in the article.
I am registered with the Washington State Department of Health, I do not work for them.
I am working on an interdisciplinary undergraduate degree in Recreation Therapy, Music Therapy, Neuroscience, and Research Psychology through Eastern Washington University.
I am still working toward getting the national Therapeutic Recreation (TR) certification as a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) through NCTRC. I have completed the required TR courses (and most of my other degree requirements), and I am now chiseling away at finishing my last few research psychology courses. I also have 2 internships to complete, one is a 16 week (40 hours/week) TR internship required to sit for the CTRS test, and a 10 week research psychology internship. Hopefully I will have all my degree requirements, the internships, and the CTRS requirements completed by the end of 2017, but no later than end of 2018.
I am an active member in good standing since 2014 for: American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) - http://www.atra-online.com, Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association (WSTRA) - http://www.wstra.org, Pacific Northwest American Therapeutic Recreation Association (PNWATRA) - http://www.pnwatra.org (since January 2016), and I am Mental Health USA First Aid Certified - MHFAC.
More information about Hawke Robinson here: http://rpgresearch.com/about/staff/hawke-robinson
Matt Vancil, Author, Screenwriter, and more, of The Gamers, Journey Quest, and much more.
Wheelhouse Workshop, Andy Dopieralski of Two Bards & The Gamers.
RPG Research and RPG Trailer on KREM2 News
Purchase/Pickup of RPG Trailer Prototype, September
Gaming in Game Room #2 (Hawke's House), Youth Group
Boffer LARP (Hawke's backyard)
LARP (field near Hawke's house)
LARPers at the Inne (Hawke's house, balcony)
VHA Training - PTSD
Assessment and Treatment of Sleep Problems in PTSD - Background
Practical Assessment for PTSD
Cognitive Behavioral
Assessment and Treatment of Sleep Problems in PTSD - Alternate Methods
August - WorldCon 83 / Sasquan Gaming
RPG Research, Spokane Area Gaming Alliance, WorldCon, Sasquan Gaming.
Hawke Presenting at WorldCon 73 - RPGs for Education & Therapy
Video & Audio from multiple panels: http://www2.rpgresearch.com/blog/panel-recordings-from-worldcon-73-sasquan
Panel: Video: Rough, raw video of Gaming for Therapy, Gaming for Education, August 19, 2015.
Panel: Audio: WorldCon 73 Sasquan Game Designers Toolbox Panel, August 20, 2015.
Panel: Audio: WorldCon 73 Sasquan Game Mastering 101 Panel, August 21, 2015.
The Spartan Show - Adventurer's Guild - Hawke as Game Master (Worlds of Beru Campaign, D&D 5e)
Adventure beginning video teaser
Game Room #5 (Hawke's House)
Game Room #4 (Hawke's House)
Merlyn's Late Night Gaming 2015
RPG Research, Extra-Life 24 hour gaming Fundraiser for Children's Miracle Network - November 2015
Saint Luke's Rehabilitation, November 2014 - February 2015
Using Music and Role-playing Games to help Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury patients recoveries.
Hawke Speaking at ZoeCon II (Filming The Gamers 3: Hands of Fate)
Youtube Video available here: http://youtu.be/TRzPz_y3Wl4
I was asked to speak at ZoeCon II, the creators of The Gamers, Journey, and other great shows.
Washington State Department of Health Registration as Recreational Therapist
HIV / AIDS / Bloodbourne Pathgen Certification, October 2014
Mental Health First Aid, April 2014
Hawke as Pirate #2 in The Gamers 3: Hands of Fate movie:
Merlyn's Late Night Gaming Jun 2014 through September 2015
Downtown Spokane, WA.
Participant in wheelchair, population: Cerebral Palsy.
July 2014, Tolkien Moot
EWU LARP Program for Toddlers with ASD diagnosis Cooperative Quest - February - April, 2014
Eastern Washington University, Research Program Pilot.
Online Panel: March 26, 2014 - LARP as a Form of Therapy
Worlds of Beru Google Hangout - November 2012 - 2013
Includes to comics from Seattle's Jet City Improv, Joe & Kesan.
July 2012
July 2012
July 2012
July 2012
July 2012, Spokane.
Cooperative Video Gaming
December 19th, 2011
Ramada Suites, 2011
Tolkien Moot Youth Table #1, At Monroe location, Spokane, WA.
Tolkien Moot Youth Table #2
Tolkien Moot Adult Table #2
Tolkien Moot table #5 At AppleTree Inn, Spokane, WA
TolkienMoot at Division Street location, Spokane, WA
March 7, 2007. Hillyard, Northeast Youth Center (NEYC) - Fantastic Fun For All - Extreme Medieval Sports
Hillyard District, Spokane, Washington. At-risk youth program.
Hawke's "Lance-A-Lot" Joust.
Lord Wiezel, of Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), letting youth try on armor.
Hawke with Professor Barb Brock, Eastern Washington University (EWU), 2007
Eastern Washington University Recreation Classmates (and Hawke with Sword) at NYEC
MerpCon III / TolkienMoot 2007
Hawke as GM at table #1 of 3.
RPG Program for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Merlyn's, MerpCon I / Tolkien Moot I, Spokane
Hawke as GM.
Hawke as GM, with co-GM, published author, Professor Chris Seeman (standing)
Hawke as GM.
Spokane County Library, Hawthorne
Eastern Washington University Essay - Overview History & Potential Benefits of Role-Playing Games, September
Summer RPG Convention by Hawke Robinson - Millcreek Library, Salt Lake City, Utah
~50 participants - AD&D 1st Edition
Summer RPGA Convention by Hawke Robinson - Holladay Library, Holladay, Utah
12 participants - AD&D 1st Edition
1984 / 1985
~1984/5 - Realms of Inquiry, A School for Gifted & Talented Children, Sugarhouse, Utah
Trying to track down anything from this long ago.
~1983 - 8 Page Essay on Role-playing Games - Myth & Reality
1979 through 1988 - Lost Packer Mine
In addition to many life skills as paid worker as young as 9 years old, ran role-playing games for the miners (much older) none had played before. They still talk about it decades later as a distinctive and memorable experience.
RPG Research Logo (Current)
RPG Research Logo (older)
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