As A GM I Dislike When My Player(s) Do This, So...
Great prompt from "Dicey Tales" Jeff Mejia on Facebook, "As a DM I hate when my players do this, so when I play a game in someone else's game I never _______________."
This blog posting is more just an aggregate of the variety of responses. More than 400 comments in response to his prompt!
While I started the rough version of this Blog with a direct copy and paste, I then went through and started editing it down, and looking for duplicates, so you will note that it is a mix of copy/paste and pairing down edits.
This would be interesting to delve into further, and potentially a slew of potential research question prompts here, if you are like I am, where just about every question is a potential research question. :-)
Henrique Nogueira What do you mean?
Joncliff McKinley .. you don't show up to session, and dont call to explain so people wait around for you. seriously?
Cody Maestro Fejo I never get to play in someone else's game.
Caleb Gar Radney Bring my phone to the table
Steven Poro Brown Hog the spotlight
Tristan Line Start having long unrelated conversations with another player in the middle of combat, and then act offended when I'm reminded it's my turn
Jason Sharples Interrupt others in game convo's with out of game talk.
Jeremy Johnston Play a bard :D
Leslie McEuen Complain that they don't do things exactly as I would.
Lon Varnadore Same...
Clint Finnell Seduce their sister
Bam O'Grady turn up :P
Iannick Martin Argue the DM's ruling
Jeff Mejia Talk about "Hit Points".
James Craver disrespect their monsters
Jessica Roberts-Leek Be late
Jenna Forcier Sit unprepared for my turn in combat.
Austin Stepp Keep talking and talking or being uninterested in other peoples time in the spotlight
Henrique Nogueira Don’t roleplay
Johnathan Albrecht goof off or not pay attention
Taylor McCallister Wait till my turn in combat to start thinking about what I'm going to do next.
Cody Biroth throw the dice across the fucking table when rolling
Andrew Stagg Get hammered
Alyse Griffin MinMax
Randall Martin strike up a real-life conversation while playing
Michelle Ledbetter Play a sex obsessed bard
Jeremy Johnston Play a sex obsessed bard with very low charisma
Michelle Ledbetter As charisma is the defining trait of a bard only a handful of players would want one with charisma under 10. But I find all sex obsessed bards equally cliche and annoying
Josh Johnson Take up the DMs time asking meaningless questions and shopping by myself for 2 hours
S Thomas Cook Hog the spotlight and prevent others from playing as they want to.
Justin Wiley Try to seduce everything in the game.
Gideon J Pulsarfiest Ask them to fill in the blank....
Justin Wiley Only pay attention on my turn.
Brendan Quinn-Larsen Try to take liberties with the rules and get pissy when I say "no".
Not know what they are going to do when their turn is up -
Madison Rodriguez Keep suggesting music that I want to hear (because if you dm like me, you have set songs that play at certain points in the game) a dm is not a DJ. If you want to send me music that you think would be a good dnd candidate I will listen to it and find a place for it if I like it. But please don’t yell for songs you want in the middle of a session.
Kassie Prawns My players don't do anything annoying 🤷
Akashambatwa Lewanika Miller attempt to overrule the DM
Chad Cottle Speak.
Derek Sawyer look at DM rolls or enemies HP
Mini Painty? Attention whore
Heini Latumäki I never OP build my character.
Jeffery William Dunaisky Fart at the table. I go to the bathroom like a civilized person. Unless I’m RPing a barbarian. Then it’s game on.
Edward Pokorski Metagame EVERYTHING
Henrique Nogueira My bad, but the card resemblance is just asking for it...
Lianne Rogers I try to minimize phone usage and really try to pay attention because it pisses me off when I have to re-explain the same thing because people only pay attention during their turn.
Nicodemos Grischkowsky Split the party.
Trevor Bull Nicodemos Grischkowsky Bwahahaha! Agreed. I try my hardest not to fight with the DM over rules (even though sometimes it’s hard to catch yourself)
Mark Bradley Refuse to pursue an obvious plot hook.
Robert A. Moore III Rules lawyer
Benjamin Dean Payne Complain that there is no role play and then when role play opportunity arises go back to killing shit.
Evalyn Farnot Go about with malicious intent to break the game because it's only fun when it's my game.
Zachary James Shields Run a murderhobo
Chris MacDougall Not show up without telling the gm
Ashlee Shaw Act like a baby if I'm not in the spotlight every single session. Gripe about what the DM decides happens. Murderhobo/act like an evil dick for absolutely no reason.
Jeffrey Malcolmson Ask what I should do with my turn.
David LeBlanc Play in another DMs game
Paul West Exist
Alex Aries ...have my phone out.
Paul Mendoza Use magic to break the game or minmax
Benjamin Dean Payne isn't magic apart of the game, i don't see the problem?
Paul Mendoza Benjamin Dean Payne it can be game breaking at higher levels (gygax himself hated wizards)
Mark Harbison Crosstalk.
Gregory Hicks Mark Harbison crosstalk?
Mark Harbison Gregory Hicks People who aren’t involved in a scene having an unrelated conversation, or RPing a different scene simultaneously.
Earl Fernandez Not offer snacks to the dm
Jason Coburn Debate the DM's ruling on something not in a rulebook
Bill Powell Jason Coburn may I ask you to elaborate? Let me say why. No where in the book is there a set way to role play. So, if I am a illusionist or heavy RP character...and the DM never let's you achieve that approach...I would contest and have not contest. But, I do question.
Sean Patrick Argue with the DM ruling.
Shaun Hansen Book bitches suck
Monte Nunn Meta game
Kevin Blank Show up without beer
Aron Agerton play a ranger.
Casey Williams Roll a check without asking
Dustin Jorgensen Thats a good one.
Chase Woolery Min/max my ac
Matthew Martin Use my phone during the game
Kevin Blank Matthew Martin oh man whether I’m playing or running I usually use my phone to look up spells and play background music
Matthew Martin I have my character and spells on apps but as far as texting and stuff I ignore everything
Sarah Reed Expect the DM to give me a reason to care
Abner John Jimenez As a DM you hate when your players expect you to give them a reason to care? Sounds like a bad DM
Sarah Reed When you expect the DM to perfectly insert your character into the universe with little to no effort on their part. I’ve had too many campaigns where people act completely disinterested because they cannot see a reason for their character to care about what’s happening. I understand it’s partially a DM problem but also it’s to do with your character - that’s the players true jurisdiction there
Jonathan Strike Interrupt narration with a question or act before the detail is done being described.
Logan Robinson Ask for them to repeat important notes because I chose not to pay attention the first time
Kerry Nelson Play a warlock who actually uses the Devil's Sight/Darkness combination in combat.
Kevin Blank Kerry Nelson yeah they should be using Devil’s Sight with Hunger of Hadar
Kevin Blank Kerry Nelson also Repelling Blast to keep kiting enemies back inside the spell 😈
Howard D Vitkus Watch videos on my phone.
Vivian Rentsch Play the typical edgelord character or want to play characters that just don't fit into "classic fantasy" aka iron man super weapon boy or "the typical blind,deaf,family died samurai".
Ben Kilgore Rules-lawyer my way into an at times absurd power fantasy.
Jorge A Reardon Min-Max
John Harkulich Not know how my spells and abilities work
Paul Naprstek ...say "just assume I check for traps and secret doors every turn."
John Morris Pick fights with the party
Paul Freeborn PVP
Brian Stiles *I try not to* cross-talk other players. In our group we all realize that we get excited sometimes, so it's OK.
Thomas J. Henry Figure out which book we are playing though and it read it, then build character around the creatures used in it. Then, when the Dm says that its not okay yo do that make rants on facebook about that Dm. Then, when that Dm asked the players to leave th…See More
Thomas J. Henry sorry felt like ranting
Dane Kendall I'm guessing this happened to you, I'm sorry. Did you actually count the words in the email, tho? 😎
Valerie Lynn Miller Man, I need to be better about this one 😂
Bryon Me I used to b4 I started dming
Matt Hyttinen Play the typical edgelord or in any other way act antisocial.
Andrew Geertsen Matt Hyttinen Absolutely. If you hate being around people, you wouldn't work in a party. Make a new character.
Matt Hyttinen That’s why I’m usually the Barbarian or Fighter. Some class that needs another to be fully efficient.
Jared Morris Argue with the DM
Kevin Blank Jared Morris exactly, bribery is far more effective
Karen Giselle DeDiego Throw a fit if things go badly for my character, refuse to play any more if my characters key features are nerfed or not useful in a given encounter.
Andrew Thomas Jones Roll without being asked to make a roll
Andrew Pettitt Retcon when a PC is surprised.
I played with a guy that if a creature pops out from a around a corner, he has to argue with the DM that his passive perception is blah blah blah and that he would never walk around a corner if he could sense something was there. …See More -
John Chroninger Break into interpretive dance.
Kevin Blank John Chroninger I just feel sorry for you
Mark Crean Argue too deeply the DM's adjudication on a rule...I'll gently make my point but if its not received as compelling thats fine...Im not there to argue the rules Im there to have fun and enjoy the escapism
Jeff Mejia Play a warlock and scream in peoples heads with telepathy.
Daniel Higgins Jeff Mejia Why even go warlock then lol
Robert J. Grady engage in nonsensical behavior that neither advances the scenario nor meaningfully represents my character.
Aaron Chism Play on my phone instead of listening
Aäron Quick Fail to show up
Andrew Geertsen Srsly
Jeff Moore Ask to play some dumbass minmax op character
John Teehan Come without having a fully prepared character sheet.
Robert Kelsey Ask for magic item(s) that is/are going to unbalance the campaign.
Jason Owens I never eat more food than I bring!
James Kennon Smith Get super drunk and be bad at combat
James Kennon Smith Haha just kidding, that’s me on both sides of the table yeet
Scott Lurker Dick around on my phone.
Michael Semonelle There are a bunch of little things I do try to and not piss off my DM.
Don’t know how successful I am. 😂
Scott Lurker So far, so good. :)
Gary Cormier Interrupt someone who is talking...
Brian Ball Ignore things the DM takes time to include and describe in the game.
Recently the PC’s found a ransacked caravan of wagons on route to a new city, and I described the remaining cargo, including a large tome with a name embossed on the front. Nobody …See More
Dane Kendall Brian, you should have the party meet another adventuring party in an inn. This other party is flush with loot. Your NPC otwoodsman is quietly reading the tome in a corner. One of the npc party members chats him up and discovers that they have done wha…See More
Hildemar von Regensburg Crack open the PHB and literally read from it as a way of arguing with the DM about her/his interpretation of a rule... particularly when the DM has already established the rule within this world or scenario. Aarrrrrgh.
Gerardo Gallegos Do something else that isn't game related
James Pohlman Spend more than 30-60 seconds saying what I’m doing in combat
Noah J Whitaker Fart in the bag of popcorn.
Michael McDonald Don't RP. Your missing half the game if you just show up to roll dice.
Eric Ramirez Sleep with my friend's mom.
Jarrod Chapin But this is the best part of D&D..
James Neufall Michael, this thread remind you of...?
Darren Green Actively walk away from what the DM clearly made to be the campaign and try to explore something they'd have no opportunity to prep for. Had a friend who made an entire continent for his players.... and they bought a boat and insisted on sailing to another one without exploring it. Needless to say, he brought down the wrath they deserved on their ungrateful heads.
J James Furlong Play a stubborn immovable character who probably doesn't have any business associating with others much less adventuring in a party.
Thomas Clifton Olivent shit at the table
Joseph Levi Curtis Jacob Loyd Niemeyer this post
Jacob Loyd Niemeyer Joseph Levi Curtis oh man, idk what to pick
Joseph Levi Curtis Jacob Loyd Niemeyer there's so much to relate to lol
Derek Westenbarger I try not to disrupt their story to much the rest is fair game:)
John Darwin Forrest use my phone, stack dice, interrupt the DM
Skyler Vaillencourt
John Darwin Forrest oh no, I’m a new player and stack dice while fidgetting between turns. Is this poor etiquette?
Jake Cole Look up magic items that I shouldn’t know what they do yet
Frank Freire metagame, break imersion, tell what other should do during their turns in combat
Andres Perez Frank Freire this, i quit one game because of one guy telling everybody how he wuld have done something much better
Frank Freire o actually take XP away from my players when they do
Joshua Hall metagame, discuss non-game related things, not pay attention to what's going on.
John Newman Argue about canon
Ryan Good Split the party
Brandon Alexander Cutts give a fuck
Travis E Hathcock So much this
Brandon Black This is why I like to use a battle mat. Avoids the dreaded "how are the enemies arranged/room setup/ ect."
Andersen Michael Argue with the DM about a ruling
Kevin Kastle go off alone. that's what solo adventures are for.
Blake Spradlin Kevin Kastle I disagree I have never understood the stigma of splitting the party. it un realistic that all of the party are constantly together. I think it impedes role play and team building
Blake Spradlin gives you more chances for one on one rp
Thomas Adams "take back" an action I say my character is taking.
Keith Estanol do any kind of disruptive RP.
Thomas Reiske Never forget to say thanks for running the game.
Chris Bailey shit on the floor
Kevin Blank Chris Bailey you would hate my character Sir Schwifty
Krishan Soda Comme without beer
Emanuel Jincory Lizama Be a Rules Lawyer.
Jeremy Noble Play a character that’s just ‘along for the ride’ have some bloody motivation!
Keith Ellis Take forever to RP selling every single freaking piece of loot and haggling for every last damn copper piece instead of just taking what the DM says it’s worth and moving on.
Daniel Beckett Rock the boat.
Aaron Michie Rules Lawyer during the game. Wait to the end of session to discuss.
Garrett Patrick Gessell Play the annoying ass edgy rogue
Nate Dykstra read into everything with a microscope.
Martin Silk Attempt to seduce a Bugbear... LOOKING AT YOU Cat AND Elliot!!!
John Penner Fall asleep
Halley Palmer Not know what to do on my turn in combat >.< I stab him! With my dagger and rapier and I get sneak attack damn it!!! Sometimes I do other things. But they are less fun.
Thane Stroop play a murder hobo
Bethany Ann Inviting over a non-player during a session and having them vocally talk about how they don't think D & D is for them.
Alora Mathis-Holierhoek It'd be a bit weird if they non-vocally talked about they were just doing cherades about how they felt during a session.
Bethany Ann I mean, some people just keep shit to themselves lol.
Brian Gold ask the DM what the NPC's names are
Alexander Mullins Brian Gold that’s a tricky one, because 50% of the time they don’t have a name, and the other 50% they have a really well thought out and important name that actually has clues in it. My players seem to only ask for a name the half that I have nothing. 😂
Brian Gold Alexander Mullins If the DM wants you to know someone's name, they have every excuse to just tell you without needing to be asked.
Tim Muller
hit the DM’s brakes every, single, step of the way, questioning every failure and explaining why it should succeed instead.
TLDR: “Yes, and,” PLEASE! -
Randy Price 1. play a murder hobo
2. metagame (although I do regularly break down the fourth wall like the Kool-Aid Man) -
Mike Geiger Dm hog
Alicia Lublin Murder hobow
Harry Fisher Question a rule during a session rather than after it. Admittedly i find it hard to bite my tongue.
Keith Edward Schussler Bring up the rules cause let's just have fun if u have a problem with it tell me after the session and I will tell you why I did it like that
Nathaniel Codr 1- murder hobo
2- meta game
3- argue with me about rules during gameplay -
Jamie Blake Tell the other players when to use their abilities.
Silverslain Ragenraith 1. argue about rules
2. Argue About Rules
Oni Syn stay off topic and keep others off topic - vaguely participate - call being uncooperative character development
Zoey Sloane Do "rules lawyer" stuff.
Ben Hirsch Lol. I've been gaming for 40 years and have GM'd more than 1/2 the time. I have no issues with problems asking about rules, asking for clarification, confirming how something works in the edition we are playing, reminding _me_ how something works in …See More
Brandon Black I hate when there are a lot of side conversions and going off topic in continuos games. I like to get really into my characters or story and enjoy a more "serious" game session vs a beer and chips style game where the mood is more for socializing instead of playing. I'm good with it for 1 shots and party games but for a long campaign i like an on topic group
David Scott Frank III Intentionally mispronounce names of places or NPCs
Eric Whitney David Scott Frank III Intentionally? Dang. That would get annoying fast.
John Smith My friends love when I do this, but if they didn’t/when it gets old, I wouldn’t/I stop.
Joe Wieland Continuously pass flatulence
Isaac Reefman But min/maxing can be great fun, and doesn’t need to come at the expense of roleplay!
Karl Lommerse Interrogate a prisoner using torture
Shane Frazier Sit there on my phone when it's other peoples' turn in combat.
Philip M. Magallanes Cheat.
Eric Whitney Show up late!
Justin Boehm Monologue
Chris Christiansen Intentionally break a character to be better than all other players and make it no fun👍🏻 I have one player who does this in every campaign at least once and I have to kill him off until he gets the point
Jay Colebatch Chris Christiansen some people just enjoy making strong characters. Punishing a player for this seems wrong.
Maybe try treating it as a challenge for you to balance the party creating situations where there "broken character traits" cant help them to make things challenging still.…See More
Jay Colebatch I use to have the same problem and found it really hard but now i prefer to adapt to there fun, its harder but more rewarding.
Paul McLeod Sadly, ..said no DM ever !
Scott Williams Get to play in someone else’s game!
Les Schilling Meta
Trent Davidson Argue rules that don't matter.
Gaetano LeFavi what they wouldn't do. :D
Alejandro Mchitarian Take out my monster penis and put it on the table.
Eric Altman Alejandro Mchitarian which monster's do you have?
JayDee Gauthier Meta game
Eric Altman Drop character without being clear that I'm doing so.
Kevin Blank Eric Altman in one game I’m required to stand up if I’m speaking out of character, but that’s partly because my character is a warlock whose patron is the DM so there’s a lot of fourth wall breaking
James Baker PvP
Gregor Troll Constantly delay play by making joking announcements about doing stupid or outlandish things. After a small bit of that, I just announce, if you say it, you do it. No take-backs.
Trevor Riley Gregor Troll you’re 100% right on that. Can’t stand it!
Mathew Pedlow Talk/joke over the dm exposition
Devin Cutler Fart around on my phone.
Tim Goodhue I never don't roleplay
Donald C. Dudley Be over the top goofy. I like a game where there is humor but it doesn’t cross the line to abject pointlessness.
Eric Kline Have a coversation during the game that is not game related.
Eric Kline Really like what everybody's saying. Treat people with respect and kindness.
Ryan Beverley Get distracted on my phone.
Meta game. -
Justin Hool Talk alot
My characters are usually silent -
Kareem Riley Verbally dispute rules or mechanics, ever. Even if I know the DM made a mistake. Let it go. They're doing the footwork to run the game, my job is to play.
Tim Peterson
Kareem Riley I've never understood this. While I'm very good st rules if I make a mistake I'd rather my players point it out.
Kareem Riley Tim Peterson I mainly DM, as a practice I always review a session in my mind afterwards. Ill point out an error next session or send a text. But as a player, I've yet to find something serious enough to warrant stopping the flow for a dispute
Doug La Grow Cause excessive shenanigans.
Hirini Hohaia play a disengaged character
Annastasia Loucks Play annoying overly sexualised characters
Bethany Gartland Be a rules lawyer. People play their games differently so let them have fun.
Timothy Goebeler Create a character based on a TV or movie character.
Lachlan Volling-Geoghegan Timothy Goebeler what about a video game such as for honor
Timothy Goebeler Lachlan Volling-Geoghegan I didn't even think of that. Lol
Clint Walker I don't understand this disputing of rules thing. No DM knows all the rules and if you are also a DM and know the rules, then why not ask the DM how he wants to run it? I've literally been like "Yo DM, the rule for this thing is like this in the book. What you wanna do?" and he gets to decide
Kevin Blank Clint Walker I think it’s a matter of tone. Reminding the DM or another player of a rule is different from starting an argument over a ruling.
Ryan Thomason If that's where it ended, that's fine (especially if it wasn't discussed previously). It's when a player says "Yo DM, this is the rule for this thing in the book, so this is how you HAVE to run it." THAT is not cool, and can get a player booted.
Casey Reed Miss the session
Nathon Cosker Try to kill everything, yes u have a sword/powers you don't always have to kill everything in your path.
Trevor Riley Cross talk
Mark Boisvert Put numerical strategy before role play. This isn’t Magic: The Gathering.
Tim Peterson
Mark Boisvert I'm curious what exactly you mean by that, do you mean your characters set up strategically?
Mark Boisvert When players make their decisions almost entirely based on math & probability, and not their character’s personality. Some characters are so play-to-win that they forget to role play.
For this reason I love that the game includes character faults. They’re a good way to remind players that they’re role playing. -
Michael McCurry Use my character that uses a big a$$ hammer that controls lightning, and name is THOR...Smh
Bannister Nicholas .. steal from the party, these are my travel companions, I need to trust them, and that means they need to trust me.
Alexa L Mac Talk over other players, or be impatient about my turn.
Bryce Galloway Metagame or cheating dice rolls
Zak Kaufman Stall the game to ask stupid questions about nothing to do with the game
Amber Mathew 1. Disrespect the time and effort a DM puts into their session.
2. Engage in murderhobo behaviour. …See More -
Aaron David Argue with the DM
Mariel Aimee Archibald Talk during “cut scenes”. That’s just a generic rule at my house, wether it’s table top or video games. No talking during cut scenes!
Jason Grotluschen Not pay attention and talk about outside stuff when the DM is talking
Lorianne Earl This drives me crazy!
Jason Grotluschen Amen!!!!
Kiel Heperi Go into munchkin mode/do stupid things to see if the DM will save me.
Valerie Lynn Miller What's munchkin mode?
Gary Huard Valerie Lynn Miller Just murdering everything you see
Wendy Matchen Whine. Lol.
Gary Huard Split the party
Allison Hitt Woo say that again man 😂
Kirk Tuttle To be fair, some of our best adventure came from temporarily splitting the party.
Richard McManus Ask to make a skills check. I always tell the DM what my character is doing.
Allison Hitt Ugh my biggest pet peeve
Richard McManus same.
Zak Kaufman Yes
I don't know why people get this confused with steal everything and hord it
Søren Moses Malinowski Check my phone
Aaron David Søren Moses Malinowski i agree but I do allow players to look up rule by phone.
Andrea Toomey Do something really bizarre that makes it tough for the DM to keep the game on track.
/my players dont do that, it's just something I try to be conscious of when I play. -
Mike Rofloc Roll a die before the DM asks me to.
Kirk Tuttle Continue to argue after the DM has made a ruling.
Allison Hitt Not being in communication. We have someone who consistently doesn't show up to agreed upon times, and sometimes never comes at all and never ever calls to inform us.
Todd Jeffcoat Use my experience as a player to undermine the tension that the DM is trying to build by immediately declaring what we will be facing based on what the DM has described.
Todd Jeffcoat Or more aptly: Metagame, as has been mentioned.
Boogie Russell Speak over the other characters
John Eubank If I ask the DM about a ruling I try to include "but it is your table" or "I'm not trying to be a jerk here" - some indication that I'm not squabbling or pointlessly challenging them, that I genuinely want to know why the rule is being interpreted that…See More
Dave Bisset Question the DMs decisions
Justin Harper Talk over others. Especially if my character is not in the current scene. Nothing drives me crazy like someone losing thier shit and commenting on what happens when thier character isnt around. (Durig the moment)
Benjamin Dean Payne Throw dice accross the table
Benjamin Dean Payne Haleigh Garnett Bramer lolz. Had a player doing that just because he was bored. Roll the dice when you need to. Not when you feel like being a duoche 😊
Nathan Schade cancel on game day
Jack Nicholas Jerk off at the table
Benjamin J Fassl Jack Nicholas yeah, really makes thing awkward..
Brandon Baer Jack Nicholas yeah, like in-party combat... unless everyone agrees, this will ruin the fun.
Deven Morgan Not plan ahead
Sullivan Schattie Correct the DM on rules calls.
Tim Peterson
Sullivan Schattie This I've never understood. If I legitimately misremembered a rule I want my players to correct me. (It's rare but it happens.)
Christian Kierans Arrive late
John Z McClane Cancel if I've committed to playing.
Brian Andrucci Play on my phone/tablet/laptop
Mark Denholm Assume. I ask.. Clarify.. Check on etiquette. Their game is not my game.
Vanyel Wolfshadow Phone...
Patrick Domingo Rentas Parker Forget my character sheet
Lars van der Zeijden Noah Wu yup, I had the same thing!
Jonas Idebrant I will occasionally drift away from the topic but I will never not listen to when the DM ask us to focus again.
Michael Pao ...go off and ignore the OBVIOUS story hook.
Andrew Streeks ...go off alone and waste everyone's time doing something absolutely ridiculous and stupid.
Jason Schock Split the party.
Marc Davies Play on my phone!!!
Jesse Mangum make me wait.
Haleigh Garnett Bramer
Question the DMs every call. "Well, actually...Well it could be said....well on page 88 of the....."
Sam Cousins Haleigh Garnett Bramer Agreed. It's a story, let it be told and be told while being a character in it. You make the decisions but the DM decides the outcomes of those decisions.
Matthew Leef Complain about rulings
Haleigh Garnett Bramer
Making jokes when the DM is obviously trying to invoke a more serious reaction
Nero Paolo Posadas Agree
Nathan Jensen break out in songs
Benjamin Dean Payne Nathan Jensen guilty 😂
Nathan Jensen Benjamin Dean Payne me too, bards my favorite class
Thomas Stakenborg Backseat DM
Stephen Mudie Do it naked..
Chris Sylvain Watch porn at table with the volume all the way up
Benjamin Dean Payne Chris Sylvain who watches porn at a dnd table
Nathan Carter Benjamin Dean Payne People who play DnD.
Motiejus Lazauskas
Be inactive, fight with other players, follow the rules, become angry and ending fun for everyone, because their character was not so lucky.
Kasper Trøst Buch Make assumptions how the story might unfold out loud. Because sometimes they are right and it makes the DM feel predictable/unimaginative...
Domagoj Jonjić Criticize DM at every turn and treat him as a hostile witness when a battle is on and HP/AC of monsters is questioned.
Jacob Bolen Pvp
Nathan Bell Go out of my way to break the game or make one of the other players uncomfortable.
Molly Sung Look at memes on my phone and distract other players with them.
Jared Daniel Dufault Making sure I dont Attempt to derail my DM with silly BS and make sure I understand how my characters abilities work entirely so not to break up and slow down the flow of combat
Chris Pearson Argue about character creation. If you tell them standard array then they'll say why can't I do point buy. If you tell them no third party they will ask to do third party. If you tell them no monster races they'll try and build monster races.
Tanner J. Burnside Question the DM's ruling on an issue. You can deliver a good argument for your opinion before the DM says, their ruling but after they say how it is, let it go.
If it bothers you that bad, talk to them after.
Chris Pearson I had a player once insist that I made a bad call. However, the reason why it had happened was because there was something that the player character didn't know and it was tied to the plot. So the player argued with me for about 20 minutes in the game …See More
Tanner J. Burnside Chris Pearson this kinda crap is why I only DM one shots or short form campaigns these days
Brandon Schissler Use being a rogue as an excuse to be a douche. Ex: The mondset that as a rogue its okay if i steal from my party members, or randomly attack my party members or friendly NPCs because "dude, im a rogue"....
Mason Cary Brandon Schissler one of my biggest pet peeves I have actually committed mass player murder in a session when night when my character raged out and went on a war path
Ben Vaughan Sit at the back, don't engage, and have to be filled in on what is going on
Dan Routledge PHONES
Dylan Deeves Constantly talk over the DM
Shayne Carpathia do area of effect body hits...
Edén Yomar Cruz Cordova Check my cell
Charles Hathaway Haggle excessively with shopkeepers and quest givers for more money
Mark Hows Act like a murder hobo.
Henrik Nygård Ertzeid Play Chaotic Stupid
Leigh Yohomitson Hibbs Talk over the DM when they’re RPing
Alex Cockburn Play on my phone. I'm not that disrespectful.
Sam Fellows 1. Play on phone except to use/update character sheet if using an app
2. Have side conversations - even at a whisper they're very distracting…See More
Sam Cousins Sam Fellows I myself have had issues with #3. In the sense that my character (meaning me) demands attention. I've worked on myself in the aspect of shutting the fuck up. The joke of the party is that I'm the face of the party and I have 8 charisma l…See More
Dylan Schmigelski Most homebrew. Don't usually balance as nicely. I don't play homebrew and generally don't allow it unless I review it and possibly tweak it.
John Soulta Dylan Schmigelski always homebrew. Always 😁
Toby McCorquodale Interrupt.
Madeline Ferrara Try not to DM for them....
Kevin Blank Madeline Ferrara please DM for me all the time please
Daniel Stoker
Put the dice in my pants while making eye contact with the DM, slowly mouthing the words "Natural Twenty" before placing my forehead on the table and falling asleep. When it's not even my roll.
Kayleigh Kaylienator Marie For fuck's sake Danny 😂
Vincent Tijms Ignore an obvious hook
Christine Martin-Resotko Am unprepared for my action
Lunitaria Challenger Never metagame.
Maciek Stępiński Roll a die when not asked to, then claim it's my <insert relavant skills check>.
Andreas Risa Maciek Stępiński I had some players do this in a play by post I am running.
"I want to see if I find a tavern" *rolls 8 investigation* "and I want to persuade the bartender to give me free beer!" *rolls 15 persuasion*
Me: *coming home from work and see…See More
Joseph Siegel Another vote against murder hobo
Jon Payton ...rely on apps for gaming info/sheets
...forget my dice
...interrupt the DM…See More -
Alison Thimmesch Talk while the DM is talking!!!
Richard Poffenberger Use modern colloquiums or slang; IE yeet and bro.
Aiden Maldonado Kill the rest of the party
Robin McLay forget to bring what was asked of me.
Árám Saleh Kill the quest NPC before saying 'it's what my character would do.'
Jehoshua Thompson question the DM on everything he says
Kathleen Paige Waste everyone's time because I dont know what spell to cast on my turn.
Marilena Fortsaki Telling them that I can't make the session last minute
Ashleigh Hensch I guess I'm pretty petty because I do all the annoying things my players do to me when I play their games XD I ask for the names of random "peasants" a lot...
Kirk Deming Poop my pants
Peter Hammond Rules lawyer
Emma Wirtz
Spend more than 30 seconds silent and deep in thought during combat contemplating my next action.
Kenneth Gruenfeld be late showing up for a game.
Alora Mathis-Holierhoek Murder hobo, that complains about every single player character and their plays because and I quote "it has nothing to do with me or my character so I just don't care, why can't I just play? I don't like those characters, they're annoying. Why is he speaking that language ?(she meant accent) uhg I don't want to play any more, let's go makeout.'
Joel Bonn Alora Mathis-Holierhoek video proof or you didn't make out
Alora Mathis-Holierhoek Joel Bonn It wasn't me, this post is about the worst type of players you've had to play D&D with. Also how is anyone kissing something so unbelievable? 😅
Ricardo Reyes Guerrero Fireball everything
Matthew Moonbeam Atkins Screw around on every one else's turn in combat and then have no idea what's happening when it comes to my turn.
Steven Laskoske Ask the name of everything and everybody!
Mark Decker (1) I don’t hate anything my players do. I would weaken the language to “things I would rather they not do”
(2) Meta-game in crucial situations. The most common is players discussing strategy during combat when their characters could never be discus…See More -
Jose Freire I never tell other people how their characters should feel or act.
Owen Spratt If someone whips this little line out at my table I might leap across the table and batman style slap them in the face.
Dave Ferguson I never don't know what the fuck my character can do.
Ian McLean Tell the DM how they should have done something.
Christian Montalbano Follow the story?
Martin Vasev Argue with the DM on his decisions or play on my phone... or be late :)
Frans Donders Touch my phone!
Xorin Lockwood Kill and loot my party because its " what my character would do"
Harry Ravenkiller Use facebook
Chris Timian Metagame i've lost out on music items and more just bc I thought of it like cheating
Lee Fowler *Scroll through social media.
*Give unnecessary sass to powerful enemies. -
Kieron Clarke Check my phone.
Gareth Q Barrett Eat the dice
Mark Boisvert Are there edible D&D dice yet and why not? 🤔
Christopher Kisely Skip a player, or rush a player because they are trying to actively think about their move.
Kristyn E. Start
Take my table as the opportunity to gossip. <eye roll> (Seriously, we're not in high school anymore and this isn't the lunchroom. Did you hear? Ummm no and I don't care too.)
Robert Cook I'm sure it's been said a hundred times but I hate it when my players look at there phones for an extended amount of time.
John Hamilton I never meta-game. For instance. Last week we fought basilisk's. I played my rogue/cleric and my Bard like they knew nothing about them other then some how they can turn you to stone (which after an intelligence check was all I knew thanks to mythology from my Bard)
Shawn Hobson Tell another player what their character should do. If they ask (as a player) I'll give them options, but they ultimately have to make the choice.
Shawn Mabie Don't fuck with the DM, he is God!!!
James Cooper Players talking about something else besides the game while the d.m is speaking
Michael Arsenault I never look at my phone. I have a laptop for my character sheet and my sheet only. Otherwise, I stay engaged. If there's something going on that's the dm and one other player, I'll try to strike up an in character conversation with the other players not involved.
Josh Armstrong Tell other players what the "best" thing for them to do in each situation.
Trent Hero Burn everything we come across
Geoffrey Davis Argue over the DM's interpretation of the rules during game time.
Frank Galella Geoffrey Davis but its soooo hard to wait till the end to discuss the rules....
Geoffrey Davis During a campaign's session zero, we discuss our social contract (style of game play, themes, barred and desired content, appropriate behavior, phone usage, rules discussions and other OOC discussions, and more). I make the players this promise: if I'm…See More
Danny Lee Grimes Tell other players how to play.
Robert Marze Have my phone out playing this it.
Brian Galas Have fun?
Erik Shaggy Stone Poop on the table.
Tom Foreman Seduce my way out of everything
James Herring Play with my phone or tablet at the gaming table.
Frank Galella I had to use my phone once cause i grabbed the wrong folder. Spent the whole session not looking at my sheet lol every time I had to check i felt weird. Paper is def better
Jake Lagerstrom Roll the die before asking to make a skill check
Luke Tasker Play on my phone. Boring campaign or not, pay attention to the DM
Tim Peterson
I really hate my players trying to assassinate me. But I'm not above admitting that I've done it once or twice.
Jacob Orwin Something that my players don't do that bugs me: rules lawyer.
If your group is a proper working machine, it should be greater than the sum of its parts. As such, everybody should be contributing to the general discourse of the game. …See More
Tim Peterson
Jacob Orwin I despise the amount of people here who seem to think you should never point out when the DM misremembered or interprets a rule.
Jacob Orwin Tim Peterson a machine is greater than the sum of its parts. Im not sure if there is a valid argument against this lol (unless its a faulty machine) :p
Terrance Wilson Wait until my turn to figure out what I'm going to do next
Erik Brandt Tell the DM how to play the game.
Kyle MacAdam Break forth wall
Martin Cole Engage in activities that are in direct contention to our intended purpose of playing a game!
Ryan Weise Roll without being explicitly told what to roll by the DM.
Jaden Patrick Thomas Forget how to play my character.
Or cast spells without reading what they do first.
Andrew Jones Yep. "did you actually read that spell?"
Jeff Lange Narrate things happening that my character does not have any control over.
Teddy Peace Critiqueing the DM or game without the DM requesting it
Tim McKenzie I second that.
Daniel Phillips ...try to become the storyteller.
Jared Morris Daniel Phillips i I dissagree with the sentiment. I think a good DM vuilds the world, and the PCs should tell the story with the aid of the DM. Unless you ment being the ONE character who takes over the story, in which case, yeah... that player can get fucked.
Daniel Phillips Jared Morris specifically what I mean is trying to alter the existing state of how things are, as determined by the GM. Players are supposed to react based on the GM’s descriptions, not try to alter those descriptions to fit what they want the story t…See More
Hannah Aguirre Wait till my turn to rules check/decide hwo to move.
Jason Underwood Play a mobile game on my phone at the table
Brian Laux Talk while the DM is talking! So freaking rude!!
Philip Hendricks Say condecending things to the DM. (E.g. 'Well you're the DM' or 'Thats not how I would do it.' ) or follow the rules wrong recognize you are and then continue to do so until someone else at the table says something, then rebuttle with, 'Well the DM didnt say anything about it'
Gabriela Ferguson Intentionally metagame instead of asking to roll knowledge checks to see if the PC is familiar with the monster
Brian Malowany Forget to wear underarm deodorant; sabotage the storyline for my own ego.
Nicholas Clay Dink around on my phone
Jason Ryder Eat cabbage just prior to a game.
Michelle Gertsvolf So I never really really wanna see ya tonight omg
Michelle Gertsvolf Thanks auto fill!
Anthony Cosgrove Act high and mighty and threatening towards shop owners and other NPCS who don't deserve it!!!
Jason Gunnar Lundquist Roll on something before they’re asked to.
Fulk Nerra Yes yes and yes. It’s a huge problem.
John O'Connor Take an hour to open a door.
Seriously, the worst thing that can happen is having to make a new character.
Kevin Blank John O'Connor I defy you to spend less than 45 minutes opening a door in any context
Nick Morrow Ignore other players RP because it "doesn't concern my character"
Robert Gough Meta-game
Ron Fields What is this "someone else's game" I keep hearing about.....
Deb Wagner Not taking the game serious and going around with the character just being an asshole for fun, also I prefer the group sticks together , otherwise i have to put a time limit per turn
Doug Kallies Jr. Ignore or circumvent the adventure hook.
Lee Anthony Osborne ANGER A DIETY!
Nathan Pond Reading the module... SPOILERS!
Oliver Prast show no interest at all to go on an adventure or to interact with others - be they pc or npc.
John Enfield ...intentionally go off on a tangent that I know will derail the DM's plot.
Abrar Farhan Zaman rules lawyer
Chris Thompson Desireé Thompson Rules lawyer the DM
Brock Watchorn For my house rules on others as if they were fact.
Dylan Holmes Question the rules during the campaign
Beck Walker Go off on my own/ break up the party
Brandon Ramos Beck Walker I love it when players do that when I DM. Allows for much sedition lol
James Laham I do everything I hate, but feel bad about it.
Frank Ortman Usually never steal from the party.
Daniel Phillips Frank Ortman usually!! 😆
Michael Von Drake As a DM, we play the campaign we are playing. They can introduce their own characters but I need to approve them. They cannot bring a "level 13 Minotaur Paladin Land-Knight of Torm" into a first or second level starter campaign. Maybe a bit later or as a player run NPC.
Ty Donohue Not take the game seriously.
I love humour, but sometimes the game turns into a bad comedy rather than a serious story.
Ty Donohue Also!!!
Not listen to the story, what the DM or PCs are saying, or start an off-topic conversation mid-game
Dmitrij Jazunov crap on the floor!
Dusty White I can play in someone else’s game?
Jason Carr directly disobey a DM directive. I.e. No, you may not take this particular disadvantage. "Why are you doing that?" "I have this disadvantage"
Joshua Spencer Try to one-up other people's characters or steal the spotlight.
Eris Vafias ...Play rules lawyer.
Brandon Ramos Ask to roll to fuck xyz, the DM nor everyone else at the table is their to help you act out your sexual fantasies.
Jordan Rodriguez What about my murder fantasies? Bryant Little Chris Wrenn Pedro Herrera
Donnell Hanog I do it, but I don't play out the sex. I just let the next person have their turn and assume any successes happened "offscreen" later.
Jake Ratcliff Roll a character who is a lonewolf type who disparages working in parties. Fuck those guys, you're in the team, don't be an asshole.
Christopher Martin I never play a weak character that has low stats and dies all the time.
Rob Neckar Argue.
Nathan Noga Have my phone out.
Chad LaMotte Talk over people or jump into their “moment”
Stuart Marr Erskine Talk over the GM
Renae White Demand a new house rule in the middle of a session.
Marc Webber meta
Brooks Hyde Get a annoyed when things are going slow and ask if we can move on.
Steven Brooks Druid
Ollie Kellaway Split the party unnecessarily
Andrew Madden ....spray the battlemap with half masticated peanuts exploding from your mouth!
Zak Kaufman I have no idea what you just said, but I think it sounds gross
Dylan Lee Zak Kaufman half chewed peanuts spat on the battle map
Steve Helt Sit back and wait for the game to come to me.
Matan Livnat Skip rp for a chance to fight
JW Scofield Make a character who has no skill in his profession. Paladins without religion, druids without nature, or wizards without arcane.
Jacob Wilson Take smoke breaks.........🙄🙄🙄🙄
Nicholas Dutchek argue about how creatures may act
Riley Mclean
Roll on a skill i have no busyness in rolling for. "Let the wizard roll the investigation grog god"
Donnell Hanog I mean, wizards can investigate things, too... Better comparison would have been having the LG paladin roll to pick someone's pocket.
Gabrielle Garant-Grenon Riley Mclean he totally should be allowed but will suck at it and should change his alignment after. That’s how I’d play it out.
Darren Campbell Argue with the DM's call to a degree that it disrupts the flow of the game.
Courtney Gynxie Deggs What Darren Campbell said! Geez! Lol I feel that one in my soul.
George Barbari So much this. ^ Hate this.
Eikantas Ostašenkovas let them kill my NPCs
Jonny G Uschold stack my dice
Yaqub Kalina Try to rape everything for no reason.
Nick Miller Yaqub Kalina that’d be a group change for me. Pretty telling of someone’s character (not in game) when all they do is rape stuff
Yaqub Kalina It was a friend of mine who never played before and just happened to be hanging around at our place at the time. Suffice it to say, he wasn't really into it, lol.
Donnell Hanog Play a CN as an insane narcissist.
Play a LG as lawful stupid.
Use the game as an excuse to act out my worst self (actually ICA=ICC'd a player into leaving my game for that one. I was planning to ask him to leave that session had he showed up anyway since he was making myself and a couple other group members uncomfortable and we were playing in a game shop.)
Deliberately ruin the plot.
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Carlos Castillo Garnica Yell “loot the bodies” before the DM finishes his/her narrative
J Aaron Rosenblatt Murderhobo
Mitch Cowan ...whine and complain at every hurdle or difficult encounter/puzzle/enemy/fill in the blank for these fucking delicate players.
Cody Espinoza Take other people's turns
Marc Rogers Use the Lucky feat
Scott Fasnacht ...try to play the other characters at the table or give advice except what my character would say.
Richard Haydock Screw over the other party members, like steal from them, etc., (unless it’s a PvP one shot - which are rare!).
Matt Becker Bail
Aaron Arnold Avoid the plot with my shenanigans
Chris Girone ...poop in public or poop on beds!
Chris Gladis Backseat DM.
Ross Bass Wait until their turn to think about what to do. Hog the spotlight.
Jeremy Vassalo Josh Reed most annoying shit ever
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