More About RPG Research

by RPG Research Admin published 7 years ago, last modified 2 years ago
Here you can learn more details about the 501(c)3 non-profit research and human services organization RPG Research.

A Non-profit 501(c) Charitable organization

RPG Research is a 501(c)3 non-profit human services charitable organization. Our staff study the effects of all role-playing game formats: tabletop, live-action, solo adventure books/modules, & computer-based. Since 2004 our website has provided an open, free, international repository of research information. Our multidisciplinary programs draw from therapeutic recreation, music, neuroscience, psychology, and other knowledge domains. Based on the available research, our community programs help people achieve their educational, recreational, and therapeutic goals, measurably improving their quality of life.

Since the 1970s

Our roots began around 1977 when our founder was introduced to tabletop role-playing games and began experimenting with different variables for tabletop and computer-based RPGs, and increasingly engaging in RPGs from 1979 onward.

1983 RPGs in Education

By 1983 our founder began researching the effects of all RPG formats, starting with an 8 page paper on "The Myths & Realities of Role-Playing Games."

Around 1984/85, at a school for gifted & talented children, RPG Research's founder began utilizing role-playing games in  educational settings to enhance the learning process, starting with Realms of Inquiry "A school for gifted and talented children".

SINCE 2004 Therapy & Shared Research

Then in 2004 RPG Research increased focus on the therapeutic potential of RPGs.

This overall body of experience and research had been accmulating offline over the decades and finally was placed online since 2004, sharing the international body of interdisciplinary research with the public.

This international repository of research information on the effects of all RPG formats has been shared openly with the public. Adding research and programs using RPGs to achieve therapeutic goals for a wide range of populations from around the world, and making RPGs as inclusive as possilble for various people with disabilities and adaptative needs.

501(c)3 Non-profit Status

RPG Research, as of September 26, 2017, is an IRS 501(c)3 non-profit research & human services, tax-exempt organization, and apublicly supported charity: 170(b)(1)(A)(vi).


RPG Research is also strongly engaged in local, state, national, and international communities.

RPG Research's staff consists of a diverse community of volunteers.

In addition to the ongoing research efforts, we design and implement community programs for a wide range of populations. The results from those programs are assessed, documented, evaluated, and fed back into the body of research. This means our programs both help improve the lives of our participants, while at he same time furthering the body of knowledgeknowledge across many domains shared with the international community.


We have spent years providing accessible and adaptive programs to meet the needs of a diverse range of populations, maximizing their experiences. We often provide programs for people with:

  • Aphantasia
  • Autism spectrum (ASD / PDD)
  • Brain Injuries (TBI, stroke, etc.)
  • Cerebral Palsy (CP)
  • Deaf & hard of hearing,
  • Dysgraphia
  • Muscular Dystrophy (MD)
  • and many others.

Using the help of the mobile facilities, the wheelchair accessible RPG Trailer and RPG Bus, we are able to implement research and community programs throughout the country, especially for those in rural, under-served, and un-served locations.


The RPG Research website is an open, international repository of research information aggregating more than 30 years of research on the effects of all role-playing game formats.

We also provide a number of additional services over the internet, including RPG sessions and much more from our studios and other locations, maximizing the potential reach to as many people as possible.


RPG Research is also aggregating documentation on considerations for optimizing the RPG experience, whether you are a researcher, professional, or layperson just wishing to have the best gaming experience possible.


We have staff members that have been involved with role-playing games & music for more than 30 years each. A number of our staff members are, or have been Recreational Therapists, LPNs, CNAs, EMTs, and from other diverse helping professions.

We have been designing and implementing education programs using RPGs since 1985, and therapeutic programs using RPGs and music since 2004.

The RPG Research website is an open, international, multidisciplinary repository of research information on the effects of all Role-Playing Game (RPG) formats.

RPG Formats include:

  • Tabletop (TRPG)
  • Live-action (LARP)
  • Computer-based (CRPG)
  • Solo adventure  books and modules (SABM).

RPG Research is a Washington State non-profit company.

We are an interdisciplinary international team of volunteers aggregating research in a public repository and providing community and adaptive programs, using RPGs to empower people to achieve their educational, recreational, and/or therapeutic goals for a measurably better quality of life.

The data from these community programs is fed back into the research repository, and shared with the public, furthering the body of knowledge.

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