Miscellaneous RPG Research Reports Out There

by Hawke Robinson published 2012/10/25 09:35:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T08:27:08-08:00
I was recently performing some general searching for any other research related to role-playing games that I might have previously missed, and found a few odds and ends. I'm posting links to what I found here. I will later go over them in more depth, analyze, and comment accordingly. Of course, the much larger list is here: http://rpgr.org/documents/list-of-other-rpg-research-projects

Much larger list of projects here: http://rpgr.org/documents/list-of-other-rpg-research-projects

Breakdown of RPG Players - A 2-Axis Analysis of a Survey


WotC Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0


Role-Playing Games: The State of Knowledge


UK-based Strange Agency has launched an analytical report on role-playing games. The agency used a sample of 272 RPGs to determine key selling points and new game potential. Its report, titled “The Empirical Analysis of the Role Playing Game (RPG) Genre for Video Games” also investigates the way technology influences game design. Future report topics from Strange will include "The Anatomy of Franchises" and "Games and Popular Culture Index."

The Psychology of Massively Multi-User Online Role-Playing Games:

Motivations, Emotional Investment, Relationships and Problematic Usage


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