Hawke Mostly Offline over the Summer
Just an FYI.
The RPG Research Project Community Website will still be running while I'm away.. Please still feel free to register a new account, work on the bibliography, make blog postings, have discussions in the forum and chat room, upload documents, etc. I will have some community member volunteers run things in my absence.
Right now I am in the middle of finals. Then I have the gender-bias research project data crunching all month. I'm unplugging from all the other distractions to focus on my family, health issues, and more focused on wrapping up existing research, so I can clear my overflowing plate.
The best means of contacting me if it is not urgent, is to email me directly. rpgresearcher at gmail dot com
I won't be doing much social network checking at all.
I will still be working on the most urgent research projects that I need to wrap up, but I won't be doing much online interaction, and I won't be taking on any new projects for the coming year (at least).
If it is urgent to get a hold of me, then call my home, cell phone/text, or skype phone.
If I do get some long overdue time in the wild, when in the wilderness, I try to get to a location that has cell signal about once per week (usually Mondays) and catch up on voice mail.
If I am not in the wild, then I will answer direct phone calls or cell text messages as soon as I can.
I also won't be checking email as often, maybe 1-2 times per week.
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