Made inroads about RPG Therapy at annual Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association 14th Annual convention

by Hawke Robinson published 2013/04/07 12:40:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:26:59-07:00
RPG Therapy spread word made inroads @ convention. Another step for

Met many folks at WSTRA convention and handed out many cards, and some brochures regarding the potential development and use of role-playing games as an effective intervention for many needs from a recreation therapy perspective.

Significant networking accomplished, and expect a lot of momentum to begin from further dialog with some of the contacts made.

Mentor is going to see about arranging potential discussions and potential use of RPG for TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) patients and other client populations, will see how that develops over time.

Very positive and productive experience!

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