Scheduled to be on Wizards of the Coast's "Dragon Talk" show January 22nd, 2018!

by Hawke Robinson published 2017/12/07 12:50:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-08-18T10:41:29-07:00
Great news! We are now scheduled to be on the Wizards of the Coast Twitch show, Dragon Talk with Greg Tito, this coming January 22nd, 2018!

We are very excited to be on the show!

Our heartfelt thanks for the enthusiastic support from Ivan Van Norman. Ivan kindly stated he is "personally championing" our work when he mentioned us to DragonTalk on November 13th's show.

Thanks to Ivan, the host of the show, Greg Tito, contacted us and we are now scheduled for January 22nd to be on his show!

The show is "Dragon Talk" by Wizards of the Coast, the company that owns Dungeons & Dragons and many other gaming-related products.

Their show is on the Wizards of the Coast D&D channel here:

We will be going to the studio in-person, and weather permitting, bring the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer so they can see it in-person. If the pass is too dangerous we'll provide lots of photos and videos, or you can check it out now at

You can watch their earlier show, where Ivan spoke so kindly about our efforts, here:

Here are some articles about our various projects that you may find of interest to this show:

RPG Research, a non-profit organization, the researching the effects of all RPGs since 1984, online since 2004, and providing RPGs for many populations:

The RPG Trailer, a wheelchair accessible mobile facility for providing RPGs for those in under-served and unserved locations, including distant rural areas throughout North American:

RPG Therapeutics LLC: providing professional services based on Therapeutic Recreation & RPGs, including professional program plans and training for educators and healthcare workers wishing to integrate RPGs into their facilities and programs., around 100 courses offered by RPG Therapeutics LLC related to the above areas of interest, and more:

And other possibilities lurking on the horizon, The RPG Fund and RPG Network.

Happy Gaming!

-Hawke Robinson


Here is the video:

Or if you prefer audio-only podcast:



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