JourneyQuest is at Death's Door - 34 Hours Remain to Save JourneyQuest

by Hawke Robinson published 2016/02/18 16:55:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:26:33-07:00
We now have 34 hours (and counting down!) to raise over $125,000 and save JourneyQuest. - Don't let this fantastic series die. Save them now!

JourneyQuest is at Death's Door - 34 Hours Remain to Save JourneyQuest - We now have 34 hours (and counting down!) to raise over $125,000 and save JourneyQuest. - Don't let this fantastic series die. Save them now!

Greetings fellow Gamers,
You love The Gamers movies and Journey Quest? Most of you that I have
spoken with, have stated how much you enjoy these wonderful
Gaming-based web series/movies.

If you somehow do not know about Journey Quest, follow the link in this
post, and they have videos about the series, and of course you can
watch the previous 2 seasons of Journey Quest online for free, and the many "The Gamers" movies as well.

JQ3 is on the verge of being cancelled, but it isn't too late if
everyone steps up now, we can save this great series! As of the writing of this message they have raised over $300,000 USD, but need that last ~$100k before Friday, February 19th, 9:00 pm Pacific Time! This is not impossible if everyone hurries, donates now, and spread the word ASAP!

Many of you have met the cast, crew, and producers of these Seattle-based series at GenCon, Spocon, RadCon, and many other events.

I have donated to most of their projects over the years, and unlike many
other crowd-funded projects, they have ALWAYS come through with their promises, exceeding expectations both in the main deliverable (the movie/series content), as well as the extra incentive perks.
While some KS projects you should be wary about, you do NOT need to be
worried with these folks!
So please, take 5 minutes right now and support their great work!
Happy Gaming!
-Hawke Robinson
RPGer since 1979.
Founder of the RPG Research Project.
Washington State Registered Recreation Therapist.
(Not yet CTRS).
Mental Health USA First Aid Certified - MHFAC.
American Therapeutic Recreation Association Member (ATRA) Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association
Member (WSTRA)

The RPG Research Project
Office Voicemail: (509) 252-0800
Cell/Text: (509) 481-5437
Office and Postal Address
1312 N. Monroe Suite #114
Spokane, WA, USA

Skype: dev2devportal


1) To clearly establish, through rigorous scientific testing, the
therapeutic and educational effects of all forms of role-playing gaming
(tabletop, live-action, & computer-based) on participants. In addition
to determining the potential relevance of correlated factors,
significant emphasis is focused contributing to the body of causal
research information.

2) Based on established research, using relevant evidence-based and
theory-based approaches, design, develop, and implement intervention
programs using various forms of role-playing games as a therapeutic
and/or educational modality.

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