Now Adding RPG-related Research Documents Daily

by Hawke Robinson published 2015/08/31 11:40:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T08:26:40-08:00
Now that the 2,000+ blog postings are finished being copied over from the old site, I am now moving the hundreds of various research articles, abstracts, etc...

This is actually a bit of a slower process than the blogs, because some of the formatting is very broken on the old site, and I am trying to fix them. I have made public about 30 articles so far, and hope to be adding several per day.

You will find them here:

I am also working on better organizing the RPG Research Project documents and videos.

Keep checking in regularly, and please feel free to contact me for any specific content you may be looking for.

Happy Gaming!

-Hawke Robinson

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