Invited to Speak at WSTRA Con XVII

by Hawke Robinson published 2016/01/14 17:00:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:26:33-07:00
I was just contacted by Professor Emily Messina, PhD, CTRS, President of the Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association. She has invited me to speak again at their upcoming 17th annual conference...

Last year I presented at WSTRA's 16th Annual Conference for the "west side" of Washington state at Seattle Children's hospital.

They alternate each year between the east and west sides.
This year will be the "east side" of the state, Eastern Washington University, in Cheney, WA.
It would be scheduled for April 2nd, 2016. I have updated the conference schedule on the website with the details here:

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Last year I presented at WSTRA's 16th Annual Conference for the "west side" of Washington state at Seattle Children's hospital.

They alternate each year between the east and west sides.
This year will be the "east side" of the state, Eastern Washington University, in Cheney, WA.
It would be scheduled for April 2nd, 2016. I have updated the conference schedule on the website with the details here: