RPG Research Status Update Video on Youtube Channel

by Hawke Robinson published 2013/02/19 13:55:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:27:00-07:00
Just posted a status update video, 10 minutes long, providing a status update on RPG Research. Please check it out, and comment.


Status update. Ea d20 RPG group #4, new group formation trying out using meetup.com.

Forming Cubicle 7 The One Ring RPG (TOR) group beginning in March.

Continuing World of Beru RPG Campaign, just finished session #6.
Began, and progressing with Role-playing Gaming Therapeutic Recreation Handbook of Practice (more details and draft of book on RPG Research website).
Request for feedback from care givers that are also role-playing gamers, about your thoughts using Tabletop RPG, Live Action RPG (LARP), and/or computer games for different client needs.

Discuss hypothetical use of RPG heavily modified for someone with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) or other cause leading to coma, but beginning to recover, possible (hypothetical) modifications that might make it still applicable even in severely disabled instances.
I look forward to folks friendly, constructive, feedback.

I'll try to update a little more frequently here, and of course subscribe to the blog postings on the RPG Research website.

Until next time, keep those dice a'rollin'!

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