Help RPG Research Acquire Role-Playing Game Books and Materials

by Hawke Robinson published 2018/07/18 19:25:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:26:07-07:00
Help RPG Research acquire role-playing game books and supplies for research and community programs.
Support a good cause? Either contribute books directly or help raise money for RPG Research and your contribution will make an impact. Whether you donate $5 or $500, Every little bit helps.
You can support us through any of the options listed here:
You could either donate financially, or purchase items from our wishlist directly: RPG Research Amazon Smile Wishlist
If anybody has suggestions on a better wishlist website to use for non-profit, please let us know!
RPG Research: Non-profit research & services using role-playing games & music to make lives better! Studying the effects of all RPG formats, and their potential to achieve educational and therapeutic goals.
Currently all of the RPG materials used by RPG Research are actually owned by the volunteers not the organization. It is time now to get separate books and RPG materials owned by the company to save the wear and tear of these hard-working volunteers.
We have RPG Kits for our research and community programs. We're putting together a detailed shopping list on Amazon (you can also support us through Amazon Smile). These RPG kits have everything necessary to run a game session. These typically consist of, at a minimum: 2 player rulebooks, 1 game master's rulebook, supplementary core books (liike monster manual), dice for 7 people (6 players plus GM), pencils, paper, character sheets and at least one published 1-shot adventure, and 1 published longer-term campaign book. Optionally include battlemats, miniatures, battlemat markers, terrain, etc.
We currently have volunteer-owned kits for D&D 5e, Adventures in Middle-earth, The One Ring RPG, No Thank You Evil, & Star Wars. We're also working on kits for super heroes adventuring, and sleuth adventuring to break out of the fantasy/sci-fi only options.
So, these costs add up. If you can donate the books to us directly. Wonderful! We're working on having a list online soon. Otherwise, this fundraiser should cover the costs for 1 kit for each system listed above. We hope eventually to have 2-3 kits for each system at a minimum for our larger events.
You can lear more about RPG Research here: and if you wuold rather donate through PayPal, or help us with our monthly costs and goals through Patreon, see the other donation options here:
Thank you so much for your support, and Happy Gaming!

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