Another Interview by HBO VICE Documentary Group of Hawke Robinson Founder of the RPG Research Project

by Hawke Robinson published 2015/09/15 11:35:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:26:39-07:00
Another member of the documentary group VICE, as seen on HBO and online, has asked for another interview regarding Autism Spectrum and role-playing games.

Another member of the documentary group VICE, as seen on HBO and online, has asked for another interview regarding Autism Spectrum and role-playing games. He is doing some work related to the Danish school I have mentioned a number of times that has their high school courses taught via LARP. 

Earlier this year I was interviewed on similar topics regarding ASD & LARP for some groups in NY and NJ. 

We will be meeting (virtually) later this afternoon. 

Here is a reminder link to some of my ASD / PDD related research and program plans using RPG to help them achieve specific goals  using Therapeutic Recreation methodologies:

VICE website:

HBO page for VICE:

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