Volunteers Needed - Spokane

by Hawke Robinson published 10 years ago, last modified 2 years ago
Help facilitating cooperative group tabletop recreation on Monday and Wednesday nights. Training begins October 6th, gaming sessions begin October 13th and 15th.
Volunteers Needed - Spokane

This is simply to help with facilitating game sessions. These are not yet research or therapeutic sessions, merely just more organized recreation activities. The goal is to streamline the administrative process,  in preparation for the many upcoming research projects just around the corner. Volunteers that do exceptionally well during this stage will be primary candidates to assist with future projects that will be actual research and/or therapy focused.

If you are an Eastern Washington University (EWU) student needing volunteer hours, especially if you are a recreation major, you can earn any required volunteer hours.

Volunteer Training Begins October 6th at 5:30 pm

additional training (as needed) Monday October 13th 5:00 pm and Wednesday October 15th at 6:00 pm.



Monday and/or Wednesday evenings (other days may become available later).

Groups begin October 13th & 15th, 2014.

Time slots available include:

  • Mondays 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm, and/or Wednesdays 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.


  • Mondays and/or Wednesdays 9:30 pm to 11:00 pm


  • online/remote/web-based.

Schedule and responsibilities may include differing tasks for different volunteers.



Including but not necessarily limited to:

  • Greeting and seating of recreation participants.

  • Set up and/or tear down of recreation activity room(s) (doesn't require heavy lifting).

  • Providing admittance forms for new participants (these forms include the Assessment of Leisure and Recreation Involvement (LRI), demographics, disclaimers, waivers, and other information), and answering any questions from participants about the forms.

  • Collecting paper and electronic forms and verifying completeness.

  • Processing of paper and electronic forms.

  • Sending reminder emails (or phone calls/text messages) to participants.

  • Providing updates, announcements, & reminders via opt-in email lists and social network sites.

  • Potential volunteer coordination functions.



RPG Research

1312 N. Monroe, Suite #114

Spokane, WA


(Downtown Spokane)



Hawke Robinson

Email: rpgresearcher@gmail.com

Cell: (509) 481-5437 (text okay too)


Please complete the online volunteer form at


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