Upcoming Video - Introduction Talk About RPG Research Around The World - ZoeCon 2014

by RPG Research Admin published 2015/11/22 03:55:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:26:49-07:00
I had a chance to briefly speak, at a high-level introductory level about the current status around the world regarding the use of role-playing games (tabletop, live-action (LARP), or computer-based) to achieve therapeutic and/or educational goals. The video will be available soon.

Thanks to the Zombie Orpheus Entertainment folks, makers of the webisodes/movies The Gamers, Journey Quest, and many others, they hosted their second "convention", ZoeCon, in Seattle at the downtown Crown Plaza. Things were rather haphazardly arranged and chaotic, and they were unable to get one of their "Celebrity Artemis" sessions up and running, so they asked me to go ahead and fill the slot with my introduction to RPG Research and related topics.

Unfortunately none of their audio or video recording/streaming equipment was working, so I just had my laptop off to the side recording "just in case". So, the video angle is terrible, and the audio is very poor (I will try to boost the volume as best as I can), but enough folks missed the talk on Friday, and were asking more about it Saturday, so I am going to put it up on the website and the RPG Research Youtube.com/rpgresearch channel roughly edited and audio-enhanced for those that want to get a general overview. If I get time during the Thanksgiving holiday, I might try to just create an "at the camera" version that will be more palatable, but I have a lot of deadlines coming up, so I can't promise that.

As bad as the video/audio quality is, many folks commented that they thought I "nailed it" in covering a lot of information in a short time, effectively.

This was a less-formal audience than I will be presenting to elsewhere (hopefully WSTRA in April, and ATRA the following year), so a more casual approach was called for.

I hope you find it useful. Again apologies for the terrible video/audio quality.

I will post either late tonight, or tomorrow when the link for the video is available.

Happy Gaming!


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