8 foot RPG Research WorldCon Poster At Printers

by Hawke Robinson published 2015/08/17 12:00:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:26:40-07:00
Among other activities, I am speaking on 3 panels, and have a poster presentation on "Super Science Saturday" at WorldCon 73 (Sasquan), August 19-23 in Spokane, Washington. For the poster, I have delivered the file to the printers to create an 8 foot by 4 foot poster summarizing my 10+ years (so far) of work on the RPG Research Project...

The poster file is now at the printers, and I will be picking it up tomorrow morning on my way to early registration at the convention center. I know it is very "busy" for a poster, but I hope to be able to reuse it many times, and it is representative of the broad range of my research so far, while still only being a tiny fraction. I know the poster won't win any aesthetic awards, but I hope the content is valuable to people. Most of the photography is my own, spanning as far back as 1991 for the shots I took of the Society for Creative Anachronism participants. There are also 2 photos from The Gamers 3: Hands of Fate movies (and I am in those scenes as a pirate).

My panel and presentation schedule information is here (please drop by and say hi!): RPG Research & Hawke Robinson at WorldCon

Here is a mid-sized PNG image file of the poster (4.7 MB): http://rpgresearch.com/documents/images/rpg-research-poster-for-worldcon-20150816m-lower.png/view

Here is the PDF of the poster (huge file, ~120 MB): http://rpgresearch.com/documents/rpg-research-project/rpg-research-poster-for-worldcon-20150816m.pdf

If they will allow me to record the panel sessions, I will let folks know and make them available if possible.

This poster is a tiny snapshot of the work I have been doing for The RPG Research Project. My blog on the website has around 2,000 entries since 2004, and hundreds of other documents including essays, research reports, abstracts, etc. All focused on the effects of all forms of role-playing games: tabletop, live-action, choose your own adventure, and computer-based, and on the potential utilization of role-playing games to achieve educational and therapeutic goals for regular and special-need participants.

If you are attending WorldCon, please do drop by and say hi. If you have any questions you would like addressed at the panels, please feel free to comment, and I will gladly attempt to incorporate them into the panel conversations (when possible), and/or answer them online.

Please also remember to donate to building the wheelchair friendly RPG Research Trailer Fundraiser. Please donate today!


Many thanks to everyone for your support. Hoping to see many of you at WorldCon 73!

Happy Gaming!

-Hawke Robinson


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