Where are Those Research Reports.... Don't you Just Hate When That Happens?

by Jennifer Siegel published 2020/10/25 10:14:13 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:26:02-07:00
In conversation on Facebook yesterday, I mentioned, as I have done a number of times in recent years, about my reading two different research reports about inpatient groups and role-playing gaming. I seemed to recall the papers mentioning they were schizophrenic, and one report was a disaster, while the other was an outstanding success....

Now I can not find them. I _may_ have found the report about the failed experiment, but I still can't find the more positive one.

I had stumbled across the negative report when I was writing my essay for EWU  (Eastern Washington University) Role-playing Games Used as Educational and Therapeutic Tool for Youth and Adults, and came across the failed experiment. It was a "failure" because the inpatient clients went overboard, gamed obsessively, and had increasingly maladaptive behavior. After I had already submitted my paper for peer review (students and professor), I stumbled across another experiment that had a successful experiment.I had made a mental note of the other report, and thought I had written the information down somewhere, but now I can't find it anywhere.

I've started combing through the vast online libraries made accessible through university access, but for now I cannot find the report(s).

These stuck in my memory because:

1. I never would have considered using RPG's with schizophrenics because of what I thought were the obvious risks with reality discernment and such. And so the first (failed) report seemed to verify my assumptions.

2. The second report I came across later, caused me to completely rethink these assumptions.

The key to the second experiment report was structure. While the first study was unstructured and had to be aborted, the other study was structured, and they had great results, that was very significant for me in considering the possible uses of RPG Therapy development.

Now I can't find that other report.

Don't you just hate when that happens?

I will keep searching between my juggling a busy schedule, but for the moment, only frustration. On the other hand, I'm bookmarking a number of other reports I'm coming across that I hadn't seen before, so the pile of reading and research is growing nicely.


I'll post to this article if/when I find the missing report(s).

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