2011 - A literature review on trust, privacy concern and identity construction in social networking sites and online fantasy role-playing games

by Hawke Robinson published 2016/02/29 01:10:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:28:21-07:00
A literature review on trust, privacy concern and identity construction in social networking sites and online fantasy role-playing games Ertan, Ash; Medeni, TunçView Profile. International journal of e-business and e-government studies3.2 (Jul 2011): 21-30.

The most popular social networking site, Facebook, has more than 500 million active users. People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. How come a social networking site rank in the 3rd place in world population and what the main motivations push people to join in social networking sites? This study reviewed the literature in order to investigate the reasons behind joining social networking sites in terms of trust and privacy concerns in a socio-psychological aspect. Literature on identity construction at online fantasy-role playing games also contributed to our review. We conclude that people act more free in anonymous identities in online world which has both negative and positive impacts.

Author Ertan, Ash 1 ; Medeni, Tunç

1 Middle East Technical University 
Publication title International journal of e-business and e-government studies

ISSN 2146-0744
Source type Scholarly Journals
Peer reviewed Yes
Language of publication English
Document type Journal Article
Update 2013-06-12
Accession number 4311942
ProQuest document ID 1024213362
Document URL https://ezproxy.library.ewu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.library.ewu.edu/docview/1024213362?accountid=7305
Last updated 2013-09-16
Database ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection

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