1981 - Exploring the validity of role-playing assessment: A comparison of behavior in structured and unstructured role-plays with behavior in naturalistic interactions.

by Victoria Jesswein published 2020/05/24 11:28:36 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:27:25-07:00
Exploring the validity of role-playing assessment: A comparison of behavior in structured and unstructured role-plays with behavior in naturalistic interactions. Authors: Biever, Joan L., U Notre Dame.

Authors: Biever, Joan L., U Notre Dame
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol 42(3-B), Sep, 1981. pp. 1160-1161.
Page Count: 2
Publisher: US : ProQuest Information & Learning
Other Journal Titles: Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering
ISSN: 0419-4217 (Print)
Language: English
Keywords: structured vs unstructured role play vs natural interaction, assessment of social skill
Subjects: *Experimental Methods; *Role Playing; *Social Skills
PsycINFO Classification:

  • Research Methods & Experimental Design (2260)
  • Group & Interpersonal Processes (3020)

Population: Human
Format Covered: Electronic
Publication Type: Dissertation Abstract
Document Type: Dissertation
Release Date: 19820801
Accession Number: 1982-71760-001

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