1989 - Relationship between game playing and personality

by David Jeffs published 2022/11/12 09:27:28 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:27:29-07:00
Carroll, James L. and Carolin, Paul M. (1989, June). Relationship between game playing and personality. Psychological Reports, part 1, 705-706. Simón replicated in Central Michigan University study comparing gamers to non-gamers. 2 small pages.
Relationship between game playing and personality.
Carroll, James L.; Carolin, Paul M.
Psychological Reports, Vol 64(3, Pt 1), Jun 1989, 705-706.
Investigated 75 college students, who were enrolled in upper level psychology classes and members of games clubs at a mid-sized midwestern university, were evaluated with the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF). Findings show no differences between heavy and light involvement gamers; both groups' scores were similar to the 16 PF standardization population.
Release Date:19891201

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