2006 - "Neverwinter Nights" in Alberta: Conceptions of Narrativity through Fantasy Role-Playing Games in a Graduate Classroom

by Victoria Jesswein published 2022/11/12 09:27:54 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:27:54-07:00
"Neverwinter Nights" in Alberta: Conceptions of Narrativity through Fantasy Role-Playing Games in a Graduate Classroom. Gouglas, SeanView Profile; Sinclair, StefanView Profile; Ellefson, OlafView Profile; Sharplin, ScottView Profile. Innovate: Journal of Online Education2.3 (2006): 5.

"Neverwinter Nights" in Alberta: Conceptions of Narrativity through Fantasy Role-Playing Games in a Graduate Classroom
Gouglas, SeanView Profile; Sinclair, StefanView Profile; Ellefson, OlafView Profile; Sharplin, ScottView Profile. Innovate: Journal of Online Education2.3 (2006): 5.

Translate Abstract
Most humanities courses rarely require students to create the kinds of work they are studying. Sean Gouglas, Stefan Sinclair, Olaf Ellefson, and Scott Sharplin outline the value of this rare experience by describing an assignment in their graduate humanities computing course in which students examined hypermedia narratives by authoring a "Neverwinter Nights" game module, a 10-minute unedited digital video, and a Web-based Flash assignment. Their first-hand experience sparked connections to narrative theory, examinations of software limitations, and the suitability of types of narrative to each formate. The range of narratives--and critical perspectives about those narratives--is, the authors feel, an indication that the assignment provided deep insights into the place of narrative in new media. (Contains 5 exhibits and 4 figures.)


Year 2006
Publisher Fischler School of Education and Human Services. Nova Southeastern University; 1750 NE 167th Street, North Miami Beach, FL 33162.

Publisher e-mail innovate@nova.edu
ISSN 1552-3233
Source type Scholarly Journals
Peer reviewed Yes
Language of publication English
Document type 141 Reports - Descriptive, 080 Journal Articles
Subfile ERIC, Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE)
Accession number EJ854492
ProQuest document ID 61848306
Document URL https://ezproxy.library.ewu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.library.ewu.edu/docview/61848306?accountid=7305
Last updated 2014-03-21
Database ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection


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