Effects of Trait Hostility and Violent Video Games

by Victoria Jesswein published 2022/11/12 09:27:49 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:27:49-07:00
Effects of Trait Hostility, Mapping Interface, and Character Identification on Aggressive Thoughts and Overall Game Experience After Playing a Violent Video Game - Younbo Jung, PhD, Namkee Park, PhD, and Kwan Min Lee, PhD - Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking

Comment by Hawke Robinson: "Effects of Trait Hostility and Violent Video Games - http://rpgresearch.com/blog/effects-of-trait-hostility-and-violent-video-games (Abstract and link to full article). There may be flaws with the tools used, which could invalidate the conclusions, as pointed out by Petri Lakoski (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259845770_Press_CRTT_to_Measure_Aggressive_Behavior_The_Unstandardized_Use_of_the_Competitive_Reaction_Time_Task_in_Aggression_Research). If future research validates the results, then possibly suggests a more subtle distinction between those more likely and those less likely to be affected by game violence, rather than previous claims that all violent games are bad for everyone. While not necessarily RPG in this research, seems an interesting distinction to investigate about possible generalization across specific game formats might be expressed similarly for those different trait types.
Joseph Bullock-Palser​ states: "You do know of course that none of these people have any skill in the topic. They all have their PHDs in communication/journalism. Right?" -- Thank you for pointing that out. The issue of the subject of their PhD may be an important consideration for some. Personally/professionally, as an "interdisciplinarian" the issue of their degree topic isn't an automatically problematic issue to me. Maybe I'm mistaken in thinking that the scientific method is the scientific method. Maybe others will feel otherwise. I am more concerned about issues with the results/conclusions of the study, and/or design issues of the study, and/or the reliability, validity, and/or standardization issues of tools used in the study, and similarly related issues"

Jung Younbo, Park Namkee, and Lee Kwan Min. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. December 2015, 18(12): 711-717. doi:10.1089/cyber.2014.0648.



This study investigated the effects of trait-level hostility, interface types, and character identification on aggressive thoughts and overall game experience after playing a violent video game. Results showed that the mapping interface made participants with high trait-level hostility more readily accessible to aggressive contracts, yet it did not have any significant impact for participants with low trait-level hostility. Participants with low trait-level hostility reported more positive game experience in the mapping interface condition, while participants with high trait-level hostility in the same condition reported more negative game experience. Results also indicated that character identification has moderating effects on activating aggressive thoughts and mediating effects on overall game experience. Implications regarding possible ways of reducing potentially negative outcomes from violent games are discussed.

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