2010 - Fantasy role play and computer games. Historical interplay and psychological meaning
Fantasy role play and computer games. Historical interplay and psychological meaning Alternate title: Fantasy-Rollenspiele und Computerspiele. Historische Wechselwirkungen und psychologische Bedeutung Janus, Ulrich; Janus, Ludwig. Psychosozial122.4 (2010): 101-108.
Year 2010
ISSN 0171-3434
Source type Scholarly Journals
Language of publication German
Document type Journal Article
Update 2013-06-12
Accession number 4223532
ProQuest document ID 884121000
Document URL https://ezproxy.library.ewu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.library.ewu.edu/docview/884121000?accountid=7305
Last updated 2013-09-16
Database ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection
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