1998 - Emotional stability pertaining to the game of Vampire

by Omar published 2022/11/12 09:27:37 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:27:38-07:00
Simón, Armando (1998). Emotional stability pertaining to the game of Vampire: the Masquerade. Psychological Reports, 83(2), 732-734. Replication of the results from the 1987 "Emotional stability pertaining to the game of Dungeons & Dragons" report, but modified for Vampire RPG players. 3 small pages.

A role-playing game called Vampire: The Masquerade has been described in the popular press as etiological of antisocial behavior. The 16 PF was administered to players of the game and the years of playing the game was correlated with scores on antisocial behavior. No relationship was found with amount of exposure to the game on Factor C.

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