As asked in Geek Therapy Community on Facebook by Pâris Conte, "To those here that write campaigns, build campaign settings, etc... What system do you use to store and organise your notes? A hand written journal? Specific software? Why did you chose what you use?". Such a lengthy response would be a terrible wall of text on FB, so I'm answering it here where both longevity and formatting are MUCH better...
Whereas role-playing and table-top role-play games (RPGs) have been proven to have potential as therapeutic tools, playing RPGs is often stereotypically associated with social incompetence and psychiatric disorders.
Now is your chance to check out, up close, the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer, be introduced to role-playing games, learn about the power of all RPG formats, learn how RPGs can be used in professional educational and therapeutic settings to help participants achieve their goals, and much more. Come check us out in the vendor section of the downtown Spokane Convention Center, October 6-8, 2017!
Here is a quick listing of some of the research currently in the queue for RPG Research, as of September 15th, 2017...
I've been thinking about the best way to intellectually organize the RPG Research Archives in a way that works for all material, including what is produced and stored here on the website and physical collections, and which also allows for the accessioning of new material as the collections grow.
Here is a quick listing of some of the research currently in the queue for RPG Research, as of September 15th, 2017...
The Wheelhouse Workshop founders Adam Johns and Adam Davis were discussing RPG's and therapy, and mentioned the RPG Research Project website as a useful resource...