RPG Research, a non-profit charitable 501(c)3 organization, is looking for a volunteer American Sign Language proficient game master for tabletop role-playing games.
RPG Research, a non-profit charitable 501(c)3 organization, is looking for a volunteer American Sign Language proficient game master for tabletop role-playing games.
Increasingly heated debate has been growing in recent years about whether role-playing game masters (RPG GMs) should be paid or not. It depends... NOTE: This article focuses on pure entertainment RPG Professionals, not RPG Professionals in educational or therapeutic settings. To be clear, this is a blog posting, as an opinion piece, not a formal essay or research paper. For more formal essays, see the research sections of the site. This informal article is from the first-person experiential perspective, that attempts to include persuasive argument components, as someone involved with RPGs since the 1970s running many sessions per week, and paid as a GM (when desired) since the 1980s.
Join us. 6 of us will be at ZoeCon III in Bellevue, WA. We'll be there with the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer, running RPG sessions, speaking on panels, doing presentations, providing tours, etc.
Here are notes from the January 22nd, 2018 interview broadcast at Wizards of the Coast's Dungeons & Dragons, "Dragon Talk" with Greg Tito and Shelly Mazzanoble, interviewing John Welker & Hawke Robinson of RPG Research, Spokane Area Gaming Alliance, & RPG Therapeutics LLC, about role-playing game education, therapy, and more. Currently a work in progress. I am working on it each day in small snippets of time while juggling everything else. I will let folks know when it is ready for sharing.
New Years eve, 2017/2018 I consolidated resources from all over my house, into the broadcast area. Here are some early photos.
In preparation for our being on Wizards of the Coast's Twitch Channel broadcast show "Dragon Talk", I've been scrambling to get some artwork and video intro/outro files created by a variety of talented artists.
I have been parking the wheelchair accessible trailer and bus we use to help the community, in my driveway for a little over a year. Now the neighbors are complaining. Can you help in this search?
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