Though this is a computer-based RPG (Role-Playing Game) study, pending testing with tabletop, it seems possible that it could apply in tabletop RPG, LARP (Live-Action Role-Playing), and maybe even CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) forms of RPG as well? I would be interesting to perform the same style study with the other formats to see if the format changes the results (or not). Received 10/26/13; Revision accepted 12/11/13
In a TED talk by Peter Doolittle, he talked about two memory constructs, multitasking and working memory, and in this particular talk focused on Working Memory. This is something where role-playing games may support his recommendations in trying to improve how important things are remembered...
In response to someone at the Ph.D. level, who recently released a podcast and shockingly made the completely erroneous claims that there is not _any_ existing legtimate, peer-reviewed, research on tabletop RPG, RPGer traits, any correlative data on RPGers, any publications in respected journals, any studies from psychologists or psychiatrists, or any research on the effects of RPGs, I have whipped up this page in order to help. Working together and sharing will help float all boats. Pulling apart and isolating will continue to founder the ship.
If you can make it to the Spokane, Washington area June 23rd, 2018, come by for a full day of gaming fun! Also a great chance to check out the RPG Bus, RPG Trailer, RPG Research, RPG Therapeutics, and more!
We have updated our list of currently open opportunities at RPG Research. These include Game Masters, American Sign Language GM, RPG Facilitators, RPG Advocates, Player Archetype Specialists, Webmaster, Social Networker, Marketing, Real-time Artist for Twitch Show, Music / Drum-circle Facilitator, Volunteer Coordinator, Game Writer, Game Designer, Therapeutic Recreation Program Planner, Administrative Assistant, Broadcast / Streaming Technician, Close Captions & Transcript Writer, Project Manager, & Research Assistants. Apply today!
The visionary creator, Ben Dobyns is currently a guest of honor at Gen Con, and at last, The Fantasy Network is alive! Fellow role-playing gamers and creators of The Gamers, Journey Quest, Demon Hunters, Mythica, and more. Check it out! Join the experience!
Brooke joined RPG Research in April 2018. She is the organization's Volunteer Coordinator and Director of Fundraising & Marketing.
In a TED talk by Peter Doolittle, he talked about two memory constructs, multitasking and working memory, and in this particular talk focused on Working Memory. This is something where role-playing games may support his recommendations in trying to improve how important things are remembered...
The wheelchair accessible RPG Bus and RPG Trailer will be on the road for weeks, meeting with people, providing tours, example music and RPG sessions, presentations, and more. Anyone can request a stop location along the route. The current route will be updated daily as stop requests come in. Follow this page for the latest tour updates! Current schedule is September 17th through October 10th schedule subject to change daily). We are getting ready for our longest tour yet, across the Western United States.
Join us for the RPG Talk Show community live broadcast at 11:00 am Pacific time every 2nd Saturday of the month. We cover the latest community news related to use and research on the educational, professional, or therapeutic considerations of role-playing games in all formats.
We are accepting applications and auditions for players to be in the upcoming Twitch tabletop RPG show "Heroes of the Mist" for RPG Research. Applications/auditions close June 21st. Announcement of selected candidates June 22nd. Show launches June 24th (weekly, Sunday nights).
Significant progress made today in the paperwork process for putting together the study on "Efficacy Assessment of Role-playing Games as an Instructional Technique within the Constraints of a University Academic Setting from the Neuropsychology Perspective"...
There has been some misrepresentation about our focus and breadth, so here is a quick clarification for people abut the game genres, systems, settings, we use in our research and community programs, far beyond just D&D..
The new ASL RPG community sub-website is launched on the RPG Research server.
Unfortunately the dice we purchased were very poorly made, with holes through them, inconsistent sizing, too light, and poor design for those with visual impairment. Also I was unable to easily contact the seller for support. At this point I'm sorry to say I can't recommend them. If the issues are addressed in the future by the seller, and pending feedback from Nexus center and others, I will update this posting accordingly.
Help RPG Research acquire role-playing game books and supplies for research and community programs.
A question that came up from others elsewhere (social network poll): "How do you rather play games? Cooperatively, no preference, competitively?"
This came up in an Alignable social network thread, and I thought others might enjoy it being shared here. "What do you think is an appropriate relationship with a client/customer? " This also addresses some of the topics of RPG Professionals / Paid Game Masters, etc.
Here are excerpts from a recent email summarizing just a few of the many benefits of RPGs...
I've had a lot of students over the years, many of whom would display acts of misbehaviour in and outside of class. Today, I would like to discuss my experiences with using RPGs to correct such traits. I also have a short anecdote that would hopefully inspire parents and educators out there.