Story #1: Camper Drawn Out of Shell. A new series of postings sharing observations, comments, and other relevant experiences, about the effects of role-playing gaming...
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As is requested periodically, here is a short list of the various intake and ongoing assessment tools we have used in various RPG research and program plans. Many of these have licenses and restrictions, but some are freely available.
During WorldCon 73, I was DMing a few tables for the local Adventurer's League run by John Welker for the Sasquan Gaming division. One player pulled out his cell phone to roll dice, and I adamantly insisted he must roll physical dice...
During lunch at the Compassion Focused Therapy workshop, I had a discussion with a couple of therapists that work in correctional institutions with mental health patients, and the reasons why those facilities don't allow RPGs, namely obsessiveness, sexual "deviancy" reinforcement, and especially "bleed" leading to problems...
This article provides observation, analysis, and commentary on efforts to "port" face-to-face Tabletop Role-Playing Games (RPG / TRPG) to an online and entertainment medium.

Keeping in mind it was a purely working experience, so my perspective will be significantly different from most attending, here is a summary of my experiences at the 73rd WorldCon / Sasquan science fiction convention in Spokane Washington, August 19th through the 23rd..
I was recently contacted by a representative of the MDA about collaborating...
In May, 2016, I finally received the EEG equipment...
A user on the forums asked if I could post an aggregate page comparing the results from the various polls all on one page. This will be where I do so. Keep in mind the polls are completely unscientific.
A friend of mine, Brian, just informed today that the Netflix Season 6, Episode 3 of Voltron has their version of D&D in the episode. I am watching it now...
This is a work in progress. With so much going on you may have missed the recent broadcasts related to role-playing game theories we have been covering at RPG Research. This is a quick summary of a few of the recent topics with links to the audio/video.
We are all about open, peer-shared, peer-learning, collaborative, community engaged sharing of information and experiences, and our primary website is open to all. We have also setup an internal network to solve some internal organizational challenges, called the, and wanted to let folks know why.
Just a quick status update on the RPG Research repository move.

RPGs and nerd culture in Saudi Arabia
Consideration of Therapeutic Recreation, Role-Playing Games, and the Transtheoretical Model of Change.
Many games include priests as a source of healing magic, but religion is integral to every human society. How can you do more with religion(s) in your game? Spocon 2018 Panel discussion. Audio.
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