Join the Q&A Session on the #RPGNET Chat server. Dan will be hosting as Hawke Robinson, founder of The RPG Research Project, discusses his research on the effects of role-playing games, and discusses the wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer campaign. Join us live Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Central Time...
Blog Collection
Hawke Robinson is founder and Primary Investigator for The RPG Research Project, and the creation of the RPG Trailer. Michael Tresca: "I've known Hawke Robinson, Washington State registered Recreation Therapist (#RE60526204) for some time but haven't gotten a chance to interview him before." This is part 1 of 3 parts to this interview...
Another member of the documentary group VICE, as seen on HBO and online, has asked for another interview regarding Autism Spectrum and role-playing games.
Now that the 2,000+ blog postings are finished being copied over from the old site, I am now moving the hundreds of various research articles, abstracts, etc...
Keeping in mind it was a purely working experience, so my perspective will be significantly different from most attending, here is a summary of my experiences at the 73rd WorldCon / Sasquan science fiction convention in Spokane Washington, August 19th through the 23rd..
A brief video summary from Grognard Games about the various dice used in RPG...
Archived from the USA Today site in case it disappears - USA TODAY visits a class at Barnard College "Reacting to the Past" - Robert Deutsch and Jason Allen.
Archived from the USA Today site in case it disappears - USA TODAY visits a class at Barnard College "Reacting to the Past" - Robert Deutsch and Jason Allen.
During WorldCon 73, I was DMing a few tables for the local Adventurer's League run by John Welker for the Sasquan Gaming division. One player pulled out his cell phone to roll dice, and I adamantly insisted he must roll physical dice...
Among other activities, I am speaking on 3 panels, and have a poster presentation on "Super Science Saturday" at WorldCon 73 (Sasquan), August 19-23 in Spokane, Washington. For the poster, I have delivered the file to the printers to create an 8 foot by 4 foot poster summarizing my 10+ years (so far) of work on the RPG Research Project...
A user on the forums asked if I could post an aggregate page comparing the results from the various polls all on one page. This will be where I do so. Keep in mind the polls are completely unscientific.
Since it is taking too long to get around to the formal analysis and paper write-up, I am posting much of the raw data here (without the comments for now), without much in the way of analysis. At some point I hope to provide a more formal document, but hopefully the numbers speak well for themselves and will be helpful for those interested in the topic. This is not the complete data set, but the more significant aspects from the very large total data.
A thread was started on the Twitter #RPGChat about solo / 1-on-1 role-playing gaming. Since that is a very limited format, I thought I'd write in more depth about it here. What are you experiences with solo and/or one-on-one RPGing?
Most of my 5th edition books were stolen last night. 3x player handbooks, 1-2x DMGs, 1x Monster Manual.
As some of you are aware, the server was completely replaced some weeks ago, after months of preparation. I am still moving the content from the old server to the new one.
I ran the Serenity RPG for a while years ago, and we all enjoyed it very much. I was saddened when it they did not renew the license and make more content. Fast-forward a few years, and they produced the Firefly role-playing game. I recently finished running a group through it, and here are my thoughts overall about the differences...
The 73rd Annual WorldCon Science Fiction convention (aka Sasquan) has a separate gaming portion. The organizer John Welker has a fundraiser to help make the gaming experience at WorldCon the best possible. Please hurry and donate so he can cover the costs of special guests and events!
Two different groups requested my participation in WorldCon 73 (Sasquan) so as per request here is my short bio and schedule from August 19th to 23rd. I hope to see many of you there.
Here are photos of my primary gaming room at my house. I also have secondary, tertiary, and quarternary game rooms in the house, plus several at the office. Feel free to post links to your game room photos in the comments.
I already regularly run (for free) non-modified role-playing games that include players with Autism Spectrum, Cerebral Palsy, and at-risk youth in the Spokane area. I would like to be able to provide these games to a much broader geographic area, including rural areas, and groups that do not have their own facilities. The Role-playing Gaming trailer will make it possible to provide these sessions to many more people over a much wider area and populace.
Submitting to the Washington State University (WSU) Institutional Review Board (IRB) the survey for phase 2 on Survey of Gender Experiences in the Gaming Community and/or Industry this week.
A PDF of a flyer for the Role-Playing Gaming Research Project Trailer is now available for those wishing to help spread the word for this campaign. Many thanks to those that support the goal that this trailer will help make it possible to provide tabletop and live-action (LARP) role-playing gaming to under-served locations and populations.
Saturday August 22nd, 2015 will be "Super Science Saturday" at WorldCon / Sasquan. I have been asked to present a (4' wide) poster for one of the events. Here is the abstract they have accepted from me...
Two Bards Podcast Episode #101 mentions RPG Research and the RPG Research Trailer...
Here is a video status update for June 25th, 2015 on the RPG Research Project.
I have a few things going on related to RPG, here is a quick summary of the RPG groups I'm in, and some key events...
Without analysis commentary, here are just a few raw numbers of interest. Actual analysis still pending down the road...
I just sent to the program head, the latest draft of a recreation therapy-related activity program plan using role-playing gaming to prepare for and utilize the metropolitan Bus system for Autism spectrum participants.
This site is undergoing a complete overhaul. Please check back in 24-72 hours. Thank you for your patience. RPG (Role-Playing Game) Research is an ongoing long-term series of projects that include studies on the therapeutic and educational aspects of role-playing games, with additional emphasis on determining any causality related to participation in role-playing gaming. This research includes tracking any other projects around the world that use role-playing games as educational or therapeutic intervention modalities.
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