We are going to have our first public discussion meeting discussing the therapeutic and educational effects of role-playing games on participants. This will be both in-person, and simulcast live over the Internet....
We are going to have our first public discussion meeting discussing the therapeutic and educational effects of role-playing games on participants. This will be both in-person, and simulcast live over the Internet....
We are going to have our first public discussion meeting discussing the therapeutic and educational effects of role-playing games on participants. This will be both in-person, and simulcast live over the Internet via TolkienMoot IX streams.
Just received the good news that I will be allowed to perform the gender-bias questionnaire at Spocon this year, August 9-11.
Just a quick update to let folks know where I am at on this project....
Just curious if folks would attend (on site and/or online) a monthly community discussion meeting group, if it was formed, discussing the therapeutic and educational aspects of role-playing gaming?
I have a new hypothesis as to why the stereotypes about role-playing gamers have become stronger over the decades rather than being disproved over time (as all the research indicates). I call it a hypothesis of the "Role-playing Gamer Floater"...
Dungeon's Master commentary on PBS short 7 minute documentary on D&D.
I recently received a private message on Academia.edu from a member informing me about a comic-book-culture-related topic he thought I would find of interest. Though I've been an avid role-playing gamer since 1979, I was never really hooked by comic books, graphic novels, etc...
I just sent the first two government representatives, on my extensive list, a form of the questionnaire about their views regarding role-playing games and gamers. Will see if they respond, and what the responses are like. The first I contacted were Washington state eastern Washington United States Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R), and United States Senator (for Washington) Patty Murray (D).
Last week, the sitcom The Big Bang Theory spent almost an entire episode on Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). This was episode 23 of Season 6, titled "The Love Spell Potential". If you were not a tabletop Role-playing gamer before, did their representation in any way alter your view of tabletop RPG? Did it increase, decrease, or not at all impact your view of role-playing games and gamers? If you are already a tabletop RPGer, how did you feel about the representation on the show? How did you feel about the sexual rules added? The stereotypes?
Inspired by the book Computational Fairy Tales, Chris Leach created a fantasy world for his ICT class to introduce them to computational thinking - Re-posted here for archival purposes, an interesting article on how an information and communication technologies instructor used fantasy settings, that could be tied into role-playing gaming to help explain mathematical and computer science based concepts in ways that might be more accessible to a wider audience....
Inspired by the book Computational Fairy Tales, Chris Leach created a fantasy world for his ICT class to introduce them to computational thinking - Re-posted here for archival purposes, an interesting article on how an information and communication technologies instructor used fantasy settings, that could be tied into role-playing gaming to help explain mathematical and computer science based concepts in ways that might be more accessible to a wider audience....
This sample was taken at The Gamers' Haven in Spokane Valley, Washington. I will be adding the results to this page as I work out the calculations. Here is some initial data (I will be updating this specific page), I will comment on this page when it is updated....
Comments on the recent comments by Pat Robertson on the 700 Club regarding his claims about the supposed harm cause by Dungeons & Dragons (completely disproved by 30+ years of research)...
Day 1 for research on the topic of gender bias in the gaming community and gaming culture.
I recently received an email asking about any current Role-playing game market information I might have...
I am currently in a course titled "The Psychology of Women" and we are covering various gender-bias topics. Recently on the CAR-PGa email list a link was sent related to gender-bias in gaming. Have you seen/experienced gender-bias related to gaming?
RPG Therapy spread word made inroads @ http://WSTRA.org convention. Another step for http://rpgresearch.com
I had a recent question on Facebook about my posting: "Finished session 5 with RPG Preliminary Observation group 1, using Ea d20 RPG in a Tolkien Middle-earth setting." The question was from Sarah Lynne Bowman, author of The Functions of Role-playing Games: How Participants Create Community, Solve Problems and Explore Identity. She asked: "What's the research question/hypothesis?"
Far from official, but Timothe Loya on Facebook has stated he has been given approval for potentially using tabletop RPG's as a possible therapeutic treatment of PTSD veterans at his local VA hospital....
As we continue through the course on Recreation Therapy for People with Disabilities at Eastern Washington University, we have various assignments to write up hypothetical scenarios with hypothetical clients. This is one with several types of scenarios with hypothetical bipolar clients using tabletop role-playing gaming as the core activity. This is a high level overview, rather than a detailed activity analysis.
Just posted a status update video, 10 minutes long, providing a status update on RPG Research. Please check it out, and comment.
A new site - www.spokanerpg.com - dedicated to role-playing gamers (tabletop and LARP) in the greater Spokane and C'dA area.
Created two new lists on the website. One is a list of role-playing gaming therapy examples, another a list of role-playing gaming used for educational purposes.
An international network of researchers into all aspects of role-playing games (RPGs). This organization has been around for decades and has a rich treasure trove of resources available.
As I continue to peruse in depth the Recreation Therapy Handbook of Practice, and tracking the sections of the book that could use role-playing gaming as a treatment (see my eaarlier posting notes for example), I'm considering trying to take on the (overwhelming) task of creating an RPG specific version of the book...
He points out the 80/20 factor, that 80% of the market is controlled by the top 3 (or so) products, and all the remaining products only account for 20% of the sales. He also comments on the continuing downturn of paper RPG sales, but the increasing up swing in eBook RPG material...
Based on The Recreational Therapy Handbook of Practice, and WHO ICF (World Health Organization) (International Classification of Functioning). This will be edited periodically, and is only in a notes format for now. It is hoped to turn this into a more comprehensive document at a later date.
Added a section to the front page enumerating the existing psychological domains that are applicable in a role-playing game therapy context...
One important note from this report is "role-playing gamers are 2.7 times less likely to have feelings of meaninglessness than non-gamers."
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