Posted on January 27, 2016. "In a previous blog post a few years ago, I mentioned the social and developmental benefits of roleplaying games." by Chad Knick...
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Which populations can benefit from music and role-playing games?

A question that came up from others elsewhere (social network poll): "How do you rather play games? Cooperatively, no preference, competitively?"
How do you rather play games? Cooperatively, no preference, competitively?

I will be presenting at the 16th Annual Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association - WSTRA Conference, Saturday, April 11th.

Been 15+ years, since founding the RPG Research Project in 2004, leading up to the national conference, and now it is official!
Amalgamation of News Coverage, Panels, Q&A, Hangouts, Broadcasts, Interviews, & Presentations on RPG Research Studies on the Effects of RPG, and RPG used for Therapy & Education by Hawke Robinson
From our old RPG Research Archives, here is link to the previous list of research questions...
Professor and author

Now on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. Role-playing games Drop in and Play since August 18th, 2017, thanks to non-profits RPG Research and the Spark Central community center, volunteers are providing role-playing gaming sessions at The Spark Central in Spokane, Washington, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm (Pacific Time), open to the public. Spark Central location and contact information: 1214 W Summit Pkwy, Spokane, WA,
Some links and resources to look into when have time...

Here are excerpts from a recent email summarizing just a few of the many benefits of RPGs...

Important update to the games we are offering from our level 1 Game Masters. We are removing Star Wars and replacing it with Doctor Who. This is mostly applicable to at-risk populations. For non-at-risk populations Star Wars may still be an option depending on the GM and session circumstances. Read further for more details...

In response to someone at the Ph.D. level, who recently released a podcast and shockingly made the completely erroneous claims that there is not _any_ existing legtimate, peer-reviewed, research on tabletop RPG, RPGer traits, any correlative data on RPGers, any publications in respected journals, any studies from psychologists or psychiatrists, or any research on the effects of RPGs, I have whipped up this page in order to help. Working together and sharing will help float all boats. Pulling apart and isolating will continue to founder the ship.
How you can help? If you have a specialized area of knowledge or interest, or just excited about what we are trying to do, please consider joining the 100% volunteer, unpaid, open RPG Research community website. You help is crucial to helping provide your valuable research, community, or professional knowledge and experience to share with the international community in the hopes of helping "float all boats" and improve the world's understanding of role-playing games.
Welcome to the RPG Research website. Since 1983 we have been actively researching, aggregating, and openly sharing the latest research on the effects and potential benefits of all role-playing game formats and their potential to achieve goals for educational, entertainment, professional, recreational, social, & therapeutic goals.
Some have asked if it is possible for the Deaf community to participate in role-playing games. This is a short response.

Based on The Recreational Therapy Handbook of Practice, and WHO ICF (World Health Organization) (International Classification of Functioning). This will be edited periodically, and is only in a notes format for now. It is hoped to turn this into a more comprehensive document at a later date.

90 minute video of the presentation "The Therapeutic and Educational Uses of Role-Playing Games (RPG) as Intervention Modalities for Individuals and Groups from the Therapeutic Recreation Perspective" at Seattle Children's Hospital for the Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association (WSTRA) 16th annual conference. The live version of this presentation was certified for Continuing Education Units (CEU's) by the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA). This the sound fixed, and includes the slideshow added to the video to be easier to read. Closed captions coming soon too.
Terminology for Role-Playing Game Formats.
Here is the source document that is being converted to the wiki version of the RPG Handbook of Practice.
An archived article from 2010 was recently doing the rounds in Facebook RPG groups, here is more information on the topic and some of my relevant thoughts and experiences.
Using the models of the RPG Bus, RPG Trailer, RPG Tour, etc. Expand to provide these accessible mobile outreach services throughout the USA and the rest of the world, especially targeting under-served and un-served populations.
This program is usable for any populations, and professionals in other disciplines, wishing to teach participants to gain competence and confidence in using their local public transit system. This posting is an older prototype posting, there are now more updated versions of this program.

Here is a video status update for June 25th, 2015 on the RPG Research Project.
A lot has happened over the past several months, and there is actually a backlog developing, so I thought I would take a minutes to organize the backlog, update folks on what has been completed, and look ahead to what is coming down the pipe. If there is anything I forgot to include, please let me know so I can integrate it into this article. Many of the items in the queue might unfortunately be stuck until the summer holiday from university. Consider this also my public TODO list...
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