Previous list of research questions
From our old RPG Research Archives, here is link to the previous list of research questions...
Original search results URL:
Original collection of research questions:
- Curated RPG Research List — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 21, 2018 02:10 PM
- There are thousands of documents on the effects and use or role-playing games from many perspectives. This can be an overwhelming amount for those starting out researcing this fascinating topic. This page is designed to help you get started, and useful for quickly finding the topic of discussion to respond with theory and research appropriate to the topic.
- Research on RPGs Primer & Don't Split the Party — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 14, 2018 12:41 AM
- In response to someone at the Ph.D. level, who recently released a podcast and shockingly made the completely erroneous claims that there is not _any_ existing legtimate, peer-reviewed, research on tabletop RPG, RPGer traits, any correlative data on RPGers, any publications in respected journals, any studies from psychologists or psychiatrists, or any research on the effects of RPGs, I have whipped up this page in order to help. Working together and sharing will help float all boats. Pulling apart and isolating will continue to founder the ship.
- RPGs and how they reinfoce concepts of Theory of Mind, especially for those with DD — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:01 PM
- Placehodler for discussion and research links to, concepts of Theory of Mind, and how role-playing games can help people enhance their development related to ToD, and how those with developmental delays can benefit form using RPG to help improve the learning process of repetition necessary for some disiabilities to help them advance in their development...
- Significant Progress on Paperwork for Pilot Research Study Using RPGs Within the Constraints of a University Setting — by Hawke Robinson — last modified May 09, 2018 01:39 PM
- Significant progress made today in the paperwork process for putting together the study on "Efficacy Assessment of Role-playing Games as an Instructional Technique within the Constraints of a University Academic Setting from the Neuropsychology Perspective"...
Hawke Robinson on 1990 - Alienation and the game Dungeons and Dragons — by Hawke Robinson — last modified May 05, 2018 02:31 PM
- What is also notable, is that while they _may_ have been baised against the game, their research was unable to prove the claims that participation [...]
Russell on 1990 - Alienation and the game Dungeons and Dragons — — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:28 PM
- 1. There are numerous misquotes and baseless errors in this description of the game that suggest the author has a stake in seeing it stereotyped [...]
- Incorporating RPG into Clinical Practice Presentation at WSTRA 2018 by RPG Research & RPG Therapeutics — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:07 PM
- RPG Research and RPG Therapeutics LLC representatives are presenting at the upcoming 2018 Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association (WSTRA) annual professional conference. The topic: "Role-Playing Game (RPG) Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (TRS) Game Master (GM) Step 1: How to Develop and Integrate Role-Playing Games as an Intervention Modality into Therapeutic Recreation Programs."
- Braille Dice from FigmentsOfFilaments — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:08 PM
- Unfortunately the dice we purchased were very poorly made, with holes through them, inconsistent sizing, too light, and poor design for those with visual impairment. Also I was unable to easily contact the seller for support. At this point I'm sorry to say I can't recommend them. If the issues are addressed in the future by the seller, and pending feedback from Nexus center and others, I will update this posting accordingly.
- Preference for competitive or cooperative games? — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:08 PM
- A question that came up from others elsewhere (social network poll): "How do you rather play games? Cooperatively, no preference, competitively?"
- Professional Ethics, Friendly vs. Friends — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:08 PM
- This came up in an Alignable social network thread, and I thought others might enjoy it being shared here. "What do you think is an appropriate relationship with a client/customer? " This also addresses some of the topics of RPG Professionals / Paid Game Masters, etc.
- Recent Discussion Partial Short List of RPG Benefits — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:09 PM
- Here are excerpts from a recent email summarizing just a few of the many benefits of RPGs...
- Using RPGs to correct misbehaviour — by Shaun Low — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:09 PM
- I've had a lot of students over the years, many of whom would display acts of misbehaviour in and outside of class. Today, I would like to discuss my experiences with using RPGs to correct such traits. I also have a short anecdote that would hopefully inspire parents and educators out there.
- Famous IP without RPG — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:10 PM
- This has come up a few times and was recently renewed, so I thought I would post this page as an ongoing list to update. As far as I know, there are no _licensed_ games for these intellectual property items...
- My First 20 or 50 Hours in the New Life is Feudal MMO — by Drake — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:10 PM
- A thoughtless and quirky remembrance of Life is Feudal, the MMO
- Cognition - Using RPGs to Enhance the Learning Process, from the Cognitive Neuropsychology Perspective — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:11 PM
- This could be applied to all RPG Formats in various ways, with different strengths and weaknesses presenting in each format: Tabletop, Live-Action (LARP), computer-based, or solo adventure books/modules. Ideally a mix of all 4 formats would likely have the most powerful effects. This is from a recent assignment for a cognitive neuroscience class. I only had about an hour or two to whip this up, so this is just a simple, quick essay for a class assignment. It isn't very well put together, because the assignments are only worth about 1-10 points out of 1,000, while the tests add up to 800 points of the total grade, so please forgive the lack of formality and poor quality. Hopefully you will still find the information listed useful. I hope in the future to write a much better, more formal version, but with my existing backlog, who knows when that will be, so I am posting this here as a placeholder reminder for me to hopefully work on it in the future. Even in this rough format, it may still be useful for some interesting topical discussions.
- RPGs, Working Memory, Thinking Illustratively and Elaborately — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:16 PM
- In a TED talk by Peter Doolittle, he talked about two memory constructs, multitasking and working memory, and in this particular talk focused on Working Memory. This is something where role-playing games may support his recommendations in trying to improve how important things are remembered...
- What Tools Do You Use for Your Campaigns? — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:11 PM
- As asked in Geek Therapy Community on Facebook by Pâris Conte, "To those here that write campaigns, build campaign settings, etc... What system do you use to store and organise your notes? A hand written journal? Specific software? Why did you chose what you use?". Such a lengthy response would be a terrible wall of text on FB, so I'm answering it here where both longevity and formatting are MUCH better...
- Social Workers’ Perceptions of the Association Between Role Playing Games and Psychopathology — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Oct 04, 2017 05:08 AM
- Whereas role-playing and table-top role-play games (RPGs) have been proven to have potential as therapeutic tools, playing RPGs is often stereotypically associated with social incompetence and psychiatric disorders.
- Optimizing the RPG Experience for Building Camaraderie As Quickly and Strongly as possible — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:12 PM
- Drawing on Therapeutic Recreation theories, methodologies, and protocols, there are a number of "ice breaking" techniques when forming new groups, to help improve building camaraderie. Also taking into account Tuckman's theories on group formation (Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing (Adjourning/Mourning)). This article combines all those concepts with using role-playing games to achieve these goals, and techniques for optimizing the RPG experience to improve this process, as well as some examples of games that build some aspects into their systems. This is a work in progress.
- 2017 Testimonial about RPG Research from the Muscular Dystrophy Association — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:12 PM
- "... I was a counselor at the MDA 2017 Summer Camp ... All I can say is that you guys are AWESOME. My shy camper completely opened up for the first time ... had the best time. ... was his favorite activity from the camp! ... Thank you for everything that you guys do. I'm forever grateful to you! " --Emily
- Does RPG reading complexity impact participant development of intrinsic reading motivation, speed of development, and total reading advancement? — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:45 PM
- RPGs are well known to spark interest in reading, and may promote overall reading advancement. That being said, how much does the reading comprehension required for RPGs impact this overall advancement? Using "Adult" RPG Systems with youth, rather than "bringing down" a system to "their level". This is one anecdotal example that I can share, since it is my own kids, but I have seen repeated many times in practice with others, over the years. But have not (yet) run a controlled study to validate or negate these observations. Your thoughts and experiences?
- RPG Research on SpoCon Panel, Psychology of Gamers and Hackers from the Information Security Perspective — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:13 PM
- Here is the audio recording from the SpoCon 2017 panel on "Psychology of Gamers and Hackers". Panelists included: Dr. Mark Rounds and Hawke Robinson.
- Ethics in Fantasy: Morality and D&D Part 2: Concerned About Role Playing — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:20 PM
- This is the SECOND in a series of three articles which I wrote concerning Christian perspectives and misunderstandings about Role-Playing Games. by Tracy Hickman.
- Story #5: Orc Tribes Turn On Each Other When Bored - RPG Story of the Template — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:13 PM
- Story #__: ____________________. A series of anecdotal postings sharing observations, comments, and other relevant experiences, about the effects of role-playing gaming...
- Story #4: incorporating Real Drum Circles as part of LARP/RPG Storyline - RPG Story of the Template — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:14 PM
- Story #__: ____________________. A series of anecdotal postings sharing observations, comments, and other relevant experiences, about the effects of role-playing gaming...
- Which RPG System to Use? RPG System Impact on Play Style? It Depends... — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:14 PM
- While it does appear to be true about game system differences "in the wild" having a notable impact on play style, arguably the setting and Game Master may have a much greater impact than the RPG system.
- UPDATE! Wizards of the Coast, Dungeons & Dragons, "No" to any use of Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer or other helping services. — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Nov 01, 2017 02:15 PM
- UPDATE: JULY 2017 WIZARDS OF THE COAST PROVIDED US WITH A LICENSE! - After years of trying to get any kind of response, the only one we could get for using D&D publicly, was "No" to any use by our company, RPG Therapeutics, or The RPG Research Project, or The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer, and all of our community endeavors, including charity, special needs populations, brain injury recovery, veterans, Autism Spectrum, etc. Hopefully this is just a Tier 1 Support issue. But we just can't get a hold of a human being to speak to. Here is what has happened far...
- Average Setup And Preparation Time — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:14 PM
- A great question on the Facebook RPG Connection group page: "All right dungeon Masters listen up let us know what you do to prepare for a game and how long does it usually take you." Here is my lengthy response for a wide range of variables...
- Notes from experiments on RPG optimization - Maximizing enjoyment, benefit, immersion, flow, safety, etc. — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Dec 14, 2018 03:17 AM
- Here is a summary of many observations I have made over the decades through various experiments in trying to optimize the RPG experience. This is from a huge pile of hundreds of documents I have written, spanning over 15+ years of research (and nearly 40 years of RPG experience). It will likely take me a year or more to finish integrating all that information into this document. All of the placeholder topics I currently have documents to fill in the blanks, but I time is the challenge in doing so. Bit by bit I am uploading all that content to here.
- 4 Big Questions — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:15 PM
- As summarized in Babylon 5, and applicable to RPG character development, and player goals...
- How to get started using RPGs — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:21 PM
- After resolving the many myths and inculcated attitudes about role-playing games and gamers, and then showing people the research supporting the efficacy of using role-playing games to achieve therapeutic and educational goals for a broad range of populations, the next question invariably is, "Okay, how do I get started?". This post will provide you with a possible road map.
- rpgpaper the stigmas and benefits — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:03 PM
the results of playing the game of social studies knowledge in an eighth grade classroom — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:30 PM
- Ethics in Fantasy: Morality and D&D Part 3: The Moral Imperative of Fantasy — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:33 PM
- This is the THIRD in a series of three articles which I wrote concerning Christian perspectives and misunderstandings about Role-Playing Games, by Tracy Hickman.
- The Personality of Fantasy Game Players — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:30 PM
- Neil A. Douse & Ian Chris McManus (1993). The Personality of Fantasy Game Players. British Journal of Psychology, 84 (4), 505-509.
- 2014 - Experiences of Hobby Game Players: Motivations Behind Playing Digital and Non Digital Games | GrogHeads — by admin — last modified Jun 13, 2018 11:20 PM
- Central to our understanding of why people play digital games (either video or computer games) is to understand the reason people want to “play” a game in the first place. Playing, once reserved for only real-life interactions among people, is now the venue for interacting with digital manifestations of reality; but the question remains, is this digital-based playing different than real-based playing? The purpose of this study was to investigate the patterns of motivation and usage by card, role-playing, computer, and board game players, known in this study as hobby game players. Through an online survey, we measured the reasons people play these games, as well as the milieu in which they play these games are played. What does the game player like in a game? Why does the gamer like this? What motivates continued game play and preferences for types of games? The results indicate that digital game playing shares several underlying motivations with its pre-digital predecessors, but in ways that are still different than tabletop gaming.
- Fine, Gary Alan (1989). Mobilizing Fun: Provisioning Resources in Leisure Worlds. Sociology of Sport Journal, 6, 319 334. — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:03 PM
- How far to go with trolls? — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:24 PM
- Recently in a Facebook conversation regarding the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer, I had some interaction with what turned out to be a troll. At first I thought it might be a legitimate interaction, but only too late was it clear they were otherwise... I thought it would be fun to post the interaction here for future reference.
- Mockery of Gamers — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:23 PM
- In a Facebook group posting, someone stated: "I question why America sees LARPing as something to be mocked". Here is a response...
- 1999 - Through The Looking Glass: An Exploration of the Interplay between Player and Character Selves in Role-Playing Games — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:34 PM
- Author: Nicholas Yee. My main interest in RPG’s is in its interface with our individual personalities. I am interested in finding out how our personalities influence how we shape our characters or what we are trying to get out of the game.
- HBO's VICE Documentary Article Mentions Hawke Robinson & RPG Research - "Denmark - LARPing Is the Future of Education" — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:24 PM
- HBO's VICE Media - At This Danish School, LARPing Is the Future of Education October 7, 2015, By Mike Pearl.
- 2012 RPGR-A00008 - Why People Like to Participate in Role-playing gaming activities. — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:22 PM
- By W. A. Hawkes-Robinson - October 24th, 2012
- collateraldamageblog mccain vs dnd — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:03 PM
- Dungeons And Dragons Or Mazes And Monsters? — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:03 PM
- What is D&D? — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:37 PM
- Dungeons and Dragons™ (commonly known as D & D™) is an elaborate fantasy game which evolved from the war games popular in the late 1950's. Instead of a historical battlefield and battle, D&D™ games are fought in the minds of the players as the DM (dungeon master, or god) sets the stage in the fantasy world. Each player assumes the identity of the character he creates. His creature is based on chance roll of the dice. Each character will have six basic abilities: strength, intelligence, wisdom, constitution, dexterity, and charisma. The manual guideline will determine whether the character will be "good" or "evil."
- 2000 - Dungeons, dragons and gender: role-playing games and the participation of women — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:35 PM
- Foster, Kyna (2000, March 30). Dungeons, dragons and gender: role-playing games and the participation of women. 42nd meeting of the Western Social Sciences Association (online). Stereotypes in RPG. 11 pages.
- 1990 - Alienation and the game Dungeons and Dragons — by Hawke Robinson — last modified May 14, 2018 03:56 PM
- DeRenard, Lisa A. and Kline, Linda Mannik (1990). Alienation and the game Dungeons and Dragons. Psychological Reports, 66, 1219-1222. This study examined differences in feelings of alienation between 35 active players and 35 nonplayers. Gamers diverge from peer-culture in mass media awareness, but not in more significant aspects. 4 small pages.
- 1988 - Therapy is fantasy: role-playing, healing, and the construction of symbolic order. — by Hawke Robinson — last modified May 14, 2018 03:46 PM
- Hughes, John (1988). Therapy is fantasy: role-playing, healing, and the construction of symbolic order. Australian National University honors paper in medical anthropology on the use of RPG in the self-treatment of clinical depression. 23 pages.
- Which state & federal legislators have engaged in role-playing gaming? — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:21 PM
- Which state & federal legislators have engaged in role-playing gaming?
- Vision of the future — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:23 PM
- It is still far to early to be sure that this vision for the future will even be relevant several years from now, as the research data begins to roll in, but if any of the core assumptions hold even remotely true, then the long term goal of creating RPG therapy modules could become a reality.
- "Knock it off" Shows and Writers Still Perpetuating Negative RPG Gamer Stereotypes, Even in Webisodes — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:37 PM
- As Mike Rugnetta, host of the PBS Idea Channel, said to the writers of Big Bang Theory, that keep perpetuating all the negative stereotypes about role-playing gamers, "Knock it off." A challenge to writers to try something different.
- What is Question/Hypothesis of the RPG Research Observation Group 1? — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:20 PM
- I had a recent question on Facebook about my posting: "Finished session 5 with RPG Preliminary Observation group 1, using Ea d20 RPG in a Tolkien Middle-earth setting." The question was from Sarah Lynne Bowman, author of The Functions of Role-playing Games: How Participants Create Community, Solve Problems and Explore Identity. She asked: "What's the research question/hypothesis?"
- Gender Bias in Gaming — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:24 PM
- I am currently in a course titled "The Psychology of Women" and we are covering various gender-bias topics. Recently on the CAR-PGa email list a link was sent related to gender-bias in gaming. Have you seen/experienced gender-bias related to gaming?
- Results from first day of Questionnaires on Gender Bias at Gamers Haven — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:20 PM
- This sample was taken at The Gamers' Haven in Spokane Valley, Washington. I will be adding the results to this page as I work out the calculations. Here is some initial data (I will be updating this specific page), I will comment on this page when it is updated....
- Theory and Hypothesis of the Role-playing Gamer "Floater" — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Mar 25, 2019 08:48 AM
- I have a new hypothesis as to why the stereotypes about role-playing gamers have become stronger over the decades rather than being disproved over time (as all the research indicates). I call it a hypothesis of the "Role-playing Gamer Floater"...
- Using Role-playing Games To Assist Recovery of Traumatic Brain Injury Patients — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Jun 13, 2018 05:20 PM
- Originally presented as a slide show presentation for Eastern Washington University class "Recreation Therapy for People with Disabilities". This video is a presentation on the hypothetical use of role-playing games to help a patient with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) progress through various recovery stages. This includes Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA), Computer-based RPG, Tabletop, and Live-action role-play (LARP).
- Using Role-Playing Games to Treat PTSD at the VA Hospital — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:32 PM
- Timothe Loya served six years as a U.S. Marine, also serving in Iraq, and has proposed using tabletop role-playing games to treat returning veterans struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System.
- When Does Role-Playing Gaming Become "Bad" For Participants? — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Aug 22, 2017 04:21 PM
- What do you think is a reasonable baseline for "safe" RPG participation? With different populations, when is there "too much of a good thing"? Do you have any anecdotes, or better yet research data that validates any particular stance? I am slowly building up the background for extensive research on the potential therapeutic uses of role-playing games in various formats (tabletop, live-action, computer-based) for various populations (TBI, PTSD, Autism-spectrum, LD's, etc.), with the assumption that there is potential benefit. But what are the potential risks?
- RPG Research Status Update — by Hawke Robinson — last modified Sep 10, 2017 12:23 PM
- A lot has happened over the past several months, and there is actually a backlog developing, so I thought I would take a minutes to organize the backlog, update folks on what has been completed, and look ahead to what is coming down the pipe. If there is anything I forgot to include, please let me know so I can integrate it into this article. Many of the items in the queue might unfortunately be stuck until the summer holiday from university. Consider this also my public TODO list...
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