A recent article was floating around proclaiming "Let’s thank hipsters for the return of board games", apparently written by what others described as a "hipster". My attempt to comment to the article with examples/proof that it is more likely economically driven was however "declined, reason: other"...
Blog Collection
An interview from some months ago, "FUN AND FUNCTION: HOW RPGS CAN HEAL YOUR MIND AND BODY" Posted on March 21, 2016 by Kit Partin...
No time to research this right now, but stumbled across:http://www.classcraft.com will be interesting to delve into after finals are over. Anyone had any experience with it?

June 2nd, 12:59 am, 2016. Someone was recently asking again, "what are the benefits of the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer", so I am re-posting it here for others in case you had similar questions and missed the FAQs section of the trailer's website...
King Tut's dagger blade made from meteorite, study confirms Weapon was made by hammering in 14th century BC, 600 years before iron smelting developed in Egypt.

This won't impact the RPG Research community. Just an FYI for folks that I am personally going to be mostly offline most of the coming summer. This _may_ include periodically being in the wilderness where there isn't any cell phone signal (let alone Internet)...

Someone recently questioned how I could have first started the initial threads of research that lead to The RPG Research Project as far back as around 1985. Here is some information...

The RPG Research Project community website needs you! We need some volunteers to help create and organize some bibliography pages on LARP, RPG, and related topics...
This is just a rough approximation summarizing the demographics of the players in my groups since coming to Spokane in 2004...
During lunch at the Compassion Focused Therapy workshop, I had a discussion with a couple of therapists that work in correctional institutions with mental health patients, and the reasons why those facilities don't allow RPGs, namely obsessiveness, sexual "deviancy" reinforcement, and especially "bleed" leading to problems...

I am attending a 2 day workshop on CFT this week, all day Thursday & Friday, in Spokane, Washington...

I am now on the road to the Seattle / Tacoma area. Tomorrow I have a one line bit part in a tavern scene for Zombie Orpheus Entertainment's web series "Journey Quest 3"...

I am taking a quick few minutes for a mental break to provide just a quick blurb in case you thought I fell off the planet... :-)

I am taking a quick few minutes for a mental break to provide just a quick blurb in case you thought I fell off the planet... :-)

I am Presenting on RPGs for Therapy & Education at Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association 17th Annual conference (WSTRA Con 17), April 2nd.
The effects of RPGs upon participants are influenced by many variables, including the RPG format: Tabletop, Live-action (LARP), Choose Your Own Adventure / Interactive Solo, and computer-based
The first stages of this project began in 1985, with an active revival in 2004 through interaction with various universities and organizations.
There are many sub-projects contained in the overall RPG Project, from demographics gathering and case studies, to small shorter term research projects, building towards a larger body of data planned over the years of research efforts
It is hoped through the efforts of RPG Research that it will be possible to clearly define the specific causal therapeutic and educational aspects of participation in role playing gaming with the eventual possibility of developing effective educational and therapeutic modalities using role playing games.
Prior to 2006, approximately 80 studies were published related to participation in role playing games and their effects on participants. Since 2006, there has been a significant increase in related research from many disciplines...
The mission of the RPG Research Project is...
Utilizing a multidisciplinary approach, including...
I am now working on a presentation video from the PNWATRA conference.
Over many years, the long term intention of RPG Research is to implement a series of studies using many different population groups meeting the following goals:
Prior to 2004, there were only about 80 published studies on the psychological and/or educational aspects of role-playing games.
The RPG Research Project had its first sparks in 1985, and became formalized in 2004.

Recently in a Facebook conversation regarding the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer, I had some interaction with what turned out to be a troll. At first I thought it might be a legitimate interaction, but only too late was it clear they were otherwise... I thought it would be fun to post the interaction here for future reference.

We now have 34 hours (and counting down!) to raise over $125,000 and save JourneyQuest. - Don't let this fantastic series die. Save them now!
Posted on January 27, 2016. "In a previous blog post a few years ago, I mentioned the social and developmental benefits of roleplaying games." by Chad Knick...
I am currently taking an elective course in Teaching Youth & Teens with ADD / ADHD & Executive Function (EF) Deficits. Basically how to understand and provide appropriate adaptations when teaching this population group. Part of the course includes online discussions. I thought I would save for discussion outside of the classroom, my postings of related topics. I welcome feedback from others...
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