The Level 4 Game Master will run regular sessions with various people, at various locations. The GM IV is also the master trainer of all other GMs, and the senior level team leader. The GM IV provides advocacy, public speaking, training for players, game masters, educators, and therapists for Role-playing games. Volunteer-level free training begins immediately.
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Daniel joined the core volunteer team in November 2017. He has years of experience with D&D from 2nd edition on up.

Charles joined the core volunteer team in September 2017.

Brad joined the core volunteer team in November 2017. In addition to his diverse and extensive RPG background he is a professional firefighter, dispatcher, and EMT.

John Welker received his Licensed Practical Nurse certification in 1995 and has worked in many care facilities, he has been involved with role-playing games since 1979, and is working toward being the first fully certified RPG Therapeutic RPG Trainer. He is also a military veteran.

Danielle is training as recreational therapist at Eastern Washington University, she is also training as an RPG Advocate and RPG Trainer.

Jacob is an avid RPG player, Game Master, and training as an RPG Advocate and Trainer. He is also an excellent professional master of the culinary arts.

Ryan is an avid RPG player and training as an RPG Advocate and Trainer. He is also a master of the culinary arts and hospitality. Another specialty of Mr. Allison is the art of Garde Manger (Fruit and Vegetable Artistry).
An Entry Level Position. The Volunteer RPG Advocate Trainee, Level 1, promotes and advocates for role-playing games and related endeavors, including: RPG advocacy and therapeutic recreation advocacy.
This is an entry-to-mid-level volunteer position. The player archetype is responsible for filling the role of various role-playing gamer "types" in education settings. The participant takes on various Player Archetype roles to help train Game Master Educators to learn how to address such situations more effectively. Types include: disruptive student, distractable student, zoned-out student, argumentative student, student with various LDs, etc.
This is an entry-level volunteer position with the possibility of optional free peer-training available. The player archetype is responsible for filling the role of various role-playing gamer "types". The participant takes on various Player Archetype roles to help training Game Masters learn how to address such situations more effectively. Types include: Munchkin, Rules Lawyer, Murder-hobo, etc. For people with little-to-no prior professional RPG experience, this is an excellent means of getting started gaining that experience.
This is an antry-to-mid-level volunteer position. The level 1 player archetype is responsible for filling the role of various role-playing gamer "types". The Level 2 Player Archetype, for Therapeutic Settings, is a staff member that has been trained to respectfully and professionally fulfil this role in therapeutic settings. The participant takes on various Player Archetype roles to help train Game Master Therapists to learn how to address such situations more effectively. Therapeutic player archetype examples include: Autism spectrum, MD, CP, brain injury, etc. This is an approach similar to roles played in First Aid, ICU, Search & Rescue, talk therapy, and similar training programs. This is an excellent means of gaining experience toward other RPG professional positions.
An entry level position. Help organize, manage, and facilitate RPG and related events using role-playing games, drum circles, and other recreational activities at various locations, conventions, and other events. Volunteer-level free training begins immediately.

Hawke Robinson is the founder of The RPG Research Project, Primary Investigator (PI), is registered with the Washington State Department of Health as a Recreational Therapist, and working toward his national CTRS.

Drake is an aspiring writer, an avid role-playing gamer since 2004, has co-written and been game master for a number of the adventures used in gaming conventions, and written a number of (unpublished) fantasy and science fiction short stories and novellas.

Heather is an avid tabletop role-playing gamer, and a wonderful volunteer!
The Wheelchair Friendly now has the ramp extensions to accommodate electric wheelchairs and scooters. And actually this version also includes handrails for those that can walk but need some extra support.
While it does appear to be true about game system differences "in the wild" having a notable impact on play style, arguably the setting and Game Master may have a much greater impact than the RPG system.

Karla was very briefly associated with The RPG Research Project, but for only a few weeks in June and July of 2017.

UPDATE: JULY 2017 WIZARDS OF THE COAST PROVIDED US WITH A LICENSE! - After years of trying to get any kind of response, the only one we could get for using D&D publicly, was "No" to any use by our company, RPG Therapeutics, or The RPG Research Project, or The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer, and all of our community endeavors, including charity, special needs populations, brain injury recovery, veterans, Autism Spectrum, etc. Hopefully this is just a Tier 1 Support issue. But we just can't get a hold of a human being to speak to. Here is what has happened far...

Here is an interesting article detailing some of the Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) structures, with some interesting insights and commentary summing up a few of the examples.

A review

A great question on the Facebook RPG Connection group page: "All right dungeon Masters listen up let us know what you do to prepare for a game and how long does it usually take you." Here is my lengthy response for a wide range of variables...
Where this will be accepted is still unclear, but it is something I came across during my time with Play Therapy, that seems very appropriate for Recreation Therapy / Therapeutic Recreation (RT / TR) and possibly some forms of RPG Therapy. It might only be applicable for mental health clients. I ran it by several professors, and facilities managers, and they were intrigued, but unable to provide further clarification. I welcome additional feedback from others.
A short introductory video discussing the concepts of immersion, flow (aka being in the zone), and relationship with role-playing games.
As is requested periodically, here is a short list of the various intake and ongoing assessment tools we have used in various RPG research and program plans. Many of these have licenses and restrictions, but some are freely available.
This article provides observation, analysis, and commentary on efforts to "port" face-to-face Tabletop Role-Playing Games (RPG / TRPG) to an online and entertainment medium.
Things are really ramping up. Here is what the schedule for the year is looking like so far...

Just finished recording episode 6 of The RPG Research Podcast w/ John Welker & Hawke Robinson. Includes video this time.

It is increasingly looking likely that this will, for those participating in Fantasy TRPG, become the standard system platform and setting for RPG Research, RPG Therapeutics, etc. To have a more consistent baseline to compare between groups.
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