FAS TR Reference List

by Hawke Robinson published 2019/02/22 13:23:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:28:51-07:00
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome reference information list from the therapeutic recreation perspective and related information.


A quick compilation of reference information regarding FAS aka FASD and potential for music, therapeutic recreation, and role-playing games as intervention modalities.

Rember that information from many programs for Therapeutic Recreation (TR) and Recreation Therapy (RT) interventions map very easily to role-playing games, so even if the reference isn't specific to RPGs, often the same principles and considerations apply for this population when considering using RPGs as the intervention modality.

Background Reference Material




https://www.rpgresearch.com/research/populations (still moving most of the content from the old www2 server to this server, so a bit light on the new server currently).


Much more pending



Blog/News Material Potentially of Note



















Much more pending






TR Specific Material


Facilitation Techniques in TR, by Dattilo & McKenny.

Specific chapters: (pending)


Red Book - Assessment Tools for Recreational Therapy & Related Fields, by burlingame and Blaschko.

Specific sections: (pending)


Behavioral Health Protocols and Treatment Plans for Recreation Therapy by Grote & Warner.

Specific sections: (pending)


Recreational Therapy for Specific Diagnoses and Conditions, by Porter.

Specific sections: (pending)


More pending


Music Specific Material






RPG Specific Material

Some of the considerations for ADHD are applicable:




Some of the considerations for ASD are applicable:








2004 Inclusion of diagnosed Autism Spectrum (ASD / PDD) participants in game sessions, concerted effort to help them work on better social skills, frustration/anger management, working cooperatively to problem solve, impulse control, etc. (missing link)


Some of the considerations for at-risk populations in general are applicable:

Basic Considerations for At-risk Populations (Draft) - https://www.academia.edu/s/dbcdee7129/hawkes-robinson-rpg-research-brief-considerations-rpg-at-risk-populations-20181223apdf?show_pending=true


A little longer version for considerations of at-risk populations (Draft) - https://www.academia.edu/s/a556b5bcd5/hawkes-robinson-rpg-research-important-considerations-for-rpg-with-at-risk-populations-early-rough-draft-20181223bpdf?show_pending=true


Even longer version with specific population foci - (draft pending upload) -


Social Skills Protocol Using TRPG (draft pending upload) -


Social Skills Protocol Using SABM (draft pending upload) -


Social Skills Protocol Using LRPg (draft pending upload) -


Social Skills Protocol Using ERPG (draft pending upload) -











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