Blog Collection

by Hawke Robinson published 2018/08/28 18:05:29 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T08:43:47-08:00
In this collection you will find the latest RPG Research community Blog Postings throughout the entire RPG Research website. These are less formal but usually more timely postings, provide the more human community connection with the international volunteers helping make RPG Research possible. Remember, we are all unpaid volunteers, doing what we can to help improve the overall human condition, so please be kind and supportive.
What Tools Do You Use for Your Campaigns? What Tools Do You Use for Your Campaigns?
by Hawke Robinson — last modified Nov 12, 2022 08:26 AM

As asked in Geek Therapy Community on Facebook by Pâris Conte, "To those here that write campaigns, build campaign settings, etc... What system do you use to store and organise your notes? A hand written journal? Specific software? Why did you chose what you use?". Such a lengthy response would be a terrible wall of text on FB, so I'm answering it here where both longevity and formatting are MUCH better...

RPG Research and RPG Trailer at 2017 Fan Nexus Spokane RPG Research and RPG Trailer at 2017 Fan Nexus Spokane
by Hawke Robinson — last modified Nov 12, 2022 08:26 AM

Now is your chance to check out, up close, the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer, be introduced to role-playing games, learn about the power of all RPG formats, learn how RPGs can be used in professional educational and therapeutic settings to help participants achieve their goals, and much more. Come check us out in the vendor section of the downtown Spokane Convention Center, October 6-8, 2017!

The RPG Research Project
by Allison — last modified May 29, 2023 10:10 PM

Choose your interest background in The RPG Research Project: Focused Research on Role-Playing Games, or research-based services implementation of role-playing games to help people.

Does RPG reading complexity impact participant development of intrinsic reading motivation, speed of development, and total reading advancement?
by Hawke Robinson — last modified Nov 12, 2022 08:26 AM

RPGs are well known to spark interest in reading, and may promote overall reading advancement. That being said, how much does the reading comprehension required for RPGs impact this overall advancement? Using "Adult" RPG Systems with youth, rather than "bringing down" a system to "their level". This is one anecdotal example that I can share, since it is my own kids, but I have seen repeated many times in practice with others, over the years. But have not (yet) run a controlled study to validate or negate these observations. Your thoughts and experiences?

by Danielle Whitworth — last modified Nov 12, 2022 08:26 AM

Having a great time in the RPGtrailer at Spocon!! Come visit us tomorrow from 8am-noon.

Public Drop in and RPG - 2nd & 4th Friday each Month 4-7 pm by RPG Research at Spark Central Public Drop in and RPG - 2nd & 4th Friday each Month 4-7 pm by RPG Research at Spark Central
by Hawke Robinson — last modified Nov 12, 2022 08:26 AM

Now on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. Role-playing games Drop in and Play since August 18th, 2017, thanks to non-profits RPG Research and the Spark Central community center, volunteers are providing role-playing gaming sessions at The Spark Central in Spokane, Washington, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm (Pacific Time), open to the public. Spark Central location and contact information: 1214 W Summit Pkwy, Spokane, WA,

MDA Camp 2017 - "Battle Royale: The Summoning" MDA Camp 2017 - "Battle Royale: The Summoning"
by Victoria Jesswein — last modified Sep 26, 2022 12:27 PM

"The Summoning". Using drums, and forming a drum circle, with drum circle facilitation techniques. At the July 18th, 2017, Muscular Dystrophy Association Summer Camp, at Twinlow Retreat near Rathdrum Idaho. We introduced participants to drumming, shield decorating, boffer LARP, and parallel tabletop RPG.

Setting Up for LARP, RPG, & Drumming at MDA Camp Setting Up for LARP, RPG, & Drumming at MDA Camp
by Victoria Jesswein — last modified Sep 26, 2022 12:32 PM

Here is a photo and short video clip of the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer being setup at this year's Muscular Dystrophy Association's (MDA) summer camp in Idaho. RPG Research volunteers, using the RPG Trailer, preparing to provide adaptive drum circles, tabletop role-playing (RPG), and live-action role-playing (LARP) to children ages 6-17 with Muscular Dystrophy (MD), July 18th and 20th.

Volunteer Game Master III - Therapist & Trainer, Trainee
by Hawke Robinson — last modified Nov 12, 2022 08:26 AM

A senior level position. The Volunteer Game Master III (GM) Trainee provides role-playing game, and optional music, services to people with specific therapeutic needs (RPG Therapy), and provide RPG training (RPG Education) to people wishing to learn similar skills. Volunteer-level free training begins immediately.

Volunteer Game Master II & Entry-Level GM Trainer, Trainee
by Hawke Robinson — last modified Nov 12, 2022 08:26 AM

A senior level position. The volunteer Game Master II (GM) provides role-playing game, and optional music, services to people with specific needs, and provide RPG training for entry-level Game Masters to those wishing to learn similar skills. Volunteer-level free training begins immediately.

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