Teaching with Dungeons & Dragons

by Hawke Robinson published 2018/09/08 16:01:10 GMT-7, last modified 2022-10-23T09:39:27-07:00
Gamify the classroom using Dungeons and Dragons While we've seen the undisputed successes of programs like Reacting to the Past and Classcraft, we've been looking to craft and devise a classroom experience that brings together questing and leveling systems that also encourage full-text immersion while promoting self-awareness, social efficacy, agency, and team-building skills. Naturally, we've turned to Dungeons and Dragons in education, a role-playing classic that inspires world-building around your content areas and allows the students to interact within the text itself, as opposed to the typical third person point-of-view.

The link address is: https://teachingwithdnd.com/

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